Stokeinteignhead School

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About Stokeinteignhead School

Name Stokeinteignhead School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Martin Harding
Address Stoke Road, Stokeinteignhead, Newton Abbot, TQ12 4QE
Phone Number 01626873208
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 102
Local Authority Devon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

At Stokeinteignhead School, pupils become curious, determined, resourceful and respectful characters. This is down to the way that staff build learning about these four qualities into the everyday life of the school. Pupils are encouraged to take their positive behaviours out into the local community and to think about themselves as citizens of Britain and the wider world.

Leaders invite 'cultural champions' into school. These are speakers drawn from different backgrounds who share their different perspectives with pupils. Pupils find this enriching.

They learn to respect difference. This, in turn, helps pupils to understand one another better. Bullying is very rare.<>
Pupils trust the adults in the school to protect them and help them to resolve any difficulties with their peers.

From the start of the Reception Year, pupils learn an ambitious curriculum. They learn to read quickly.

Reading remains at the heart of the curriculum throughout pupils' time at the school. Staff put pupils well on their way to becoming life-long readers. Every day, in every class, time is set aside for staff to read with pupils.

This enhances pupils' vocabulary development and knowledge of the world.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have put a great deal of thought into the design of the curriculum. In each subject, there is an ambitious range of content set out for pupils to learn.

Pupils read texts that deepen their knowledge in each subject. Subject leaders reflect regularly on the impact of the curriculum, and teachers welcome their feedback. This leads to ongoing improvement.

Children in the Reception Year are taught to read systematically. The vast majority of pupils are secure in their knowledge of phonics by the end of Year 1. A small number of pupils continue to require support.

Leaders arrange this. However, these pupils do not catch up as quickly as they could. The approach to supporting struggling readers does not provide enough opportunity for pupils to apply their phonics knowledge.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) do well. Teaching staff are well advised by expert leaders. As a result, pupils with SEND benefit from comprehensive support.

There are some pupils who sometimes find it difficult to behave as they are expected to in school. Leaders adapt both the curriculum and the system for managing behaviour to support these pupils. As a result, the behaviour of these pupils improves.

Leaders have identified an increase in the number of pupils with speech, language and communication needs, linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff identify any gaps in pupils' development early in the Reception Year. They provide timely support which helps pupils to communicate more successfully.

In some of the subjects of the wider curriculum, leaders are reviewing the way they use assessment. Teachers have a good overall picture of pupils' learning and development. Pupils have plenty of opportunities to show what they can do.

However, the curriculum does not encourage pupils to use and apply the key knowledge of each subject consistently well. Therefore, the approach to assessment is not yet helping pupils to embed their knowledge as well as it could.

Leaders have introduced a new curriculum for personal, social and health education, which includes elements of relationships and sex education.

The curriculum is organised well, and pupils have a good awareness of the important ideas within it. Staff make sure that the learning is age-appropriate.

Pupils behave well.

They are keen to participate in lessons. Children in the Reception Year make the most of their learning activities, drawing on the support of skilled adults. During social times, leaders provide stimulating play equipment which helps to keep pupils active.

Extra-curricular activities and clubs are designed around pupils' interests. Leaders encourage vulnerable pupils into activities likely to benefit them.

Most pupils enjoy school and attend well.

The school has a proud history of strong attendance, but this has been affected by the pandemic. Leaders are working effectively with parents to improve the attendance of a small number of pupils.

Staff are wholly positive about their experience of working at this school.

They feel supported by leaders. The federation of schools enables staff to access leadership development courses and useful subject networks. Leaders are mindful of staff's workload when introducing new policies.

All of this contributes to a harmonious environment in which staff work together for the benefit of pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding.

Leaders, at all levels, ensure that staff follow clear processes. Staff are well trained and highly vigilant. They readily report and follow up on any concerns.

Leaders make proactive use of early help to support children and families. They maintain clear and detailed records. They work positively with safeguarding partners and a range of other agencies.

Leaders and governors recognise the full range of possible risks to pupils. They know 'it could happen here'. They continually strive to improve the safeguards they have in place.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Most pupils become accurate readers quickly. However, a few continue to need extra support with their reading. The support for these pupils does not focus sharply enough on the gaps in their phonics knowledge.

Leaders should ensure that pupils who need to catch up receive precisely focused support. ? In a few subjects, the approach to assessment does not help pupils to embed knowledge as well as it could. Leaders should continue to review teachers' use of assessment so that it helps pupils to learn the essential knowledge from each subject curriculum.

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