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Pupils like being in this school. They told inspectors that they feel safe and that they have lots of friends.
Everybody has high expectations of behaviour. Pupils speak enthusiastically about the system 'good to be green'. Pupils say behaviour is good.
Pupils display respectful and kind behaviour at different times of the school day. Relationships are positive, right from the early years. Early years children are happy and relaxed.
They enthusiastically talked about how they had 'gone on a bear hunt' and used the words they had been taught to talk about the chicks in their room.
Although some systems for rewards are currently hindered by the pandemi...c, pupils said how much they look forward to these, such as afternoon tea with their parents. Leaders ensure that pupils have rich experiences beyond the normal curriculum.
For example, they have invested in a setting in the Yorkshire Dales, with plans for pupils to have a residential experience and work towards their junior Duke of Edinburgh's Award.
Pupils take on roles of responsibility with pride. They are good ambassadors for the school.
Pupils know exactly what their job is for the different roles, such as playground buddy, reading ambassador and eco warrior.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders in this school, at all levels, are exceptionally effective. They know what their roles and responsibilities are.
Improvement has taken place at a remarkable pace.
Senior leaders have a rigorous and systematic approach to quality assurance, accountability and staff development. Challenge and support can be seen at all levels.
Staff receive continuous professional development. For example, they meet other subject leaders in other schools in the trust and take part in external training events regularly. Those who are leading subjects well help others to quickly improve.
Eighteen members of staff responded to the Ofsted questionnaire. All of these, and everyone who spoke to inspectors during the inspection, including the newly qualified teachers, were one hundred per cent complimentary about the leadership in the school.
Leaders have planned the curriculum well.
There is a clear structure across lessons and subjects from early years to year 6. Leaders have made sure that the curriculum is ambitious and sequential. They plan subjects so that what pupils learn will help them understand what they will learn in the future.
For example, in mathematics, pupils from early years to year 6 were learning about multiplication. It was clear how the lessons became more complex for older pupils.
Learning to read well is prioritised and expectations are high.
The use of libraries, reading 'nooks' and the displays of books presented at every opportunity, including in early years, create the impression of stepping into a book when you visit this school. A consistent teaching approach, with skilled well-trained staff, helps pupils learn to read. There is a systematic approach to teaching phonics and a strong focus on developing a rich vocabulary across the school.
Early years staff recognise the particular importance of quickly developing younger pupils' vocabulary.
The curriculum for subjects other than English and mathematics is quite new. This means pupils are not as good at remembering and explaining what they have learned in these subjects.
Therefore, teachers are having to ensure that they revisit knowledge more often and make sure it is securely remembered by pupils.
The needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are considered carefully when teachers plan this rich curriculum. Teachers have high expectations for these pupils.
They access the same curriculum but with tasks and activities tailored to meet their specific needs. For example, pupils were using drama to allow them to show that they understood what the word 'fear' meant.
A consistent and thorough approach to checking what pupils have remembered is used across the school.
All staff are involved in this process. For example, lunchtime staff use quiz cards and teaching staff use strategies such as 'feed forward' books. Same-day interventions take place to make sure pupils understand what they have learned that day.
Any misunderstandings are immediately addressed.
Leaders have ensured that during any periods of remote learning the curriculum is as close as possible to the one being taught in school. Leaders prepared pupils well for remote learning.
For example, teachers practised 'virtual' lessons in school so that pupils could manage this confidently when at home.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff and pupils know exactly what to do if they have any concerns.
They know that their opinion will be valued. Staff are well trained and informed about safeguarding. Record-keeping is well organised and informative.
The designated safeguarding lead works with external agencies and key personnel in the trust to ensure that appropriate support is given to children and families.
Pupils told the inspectors about lessons that have helped them think about mental health issues. Displays in school encourage pupils to speak out about personal issues if they need to.
These messages are reinforced by staff and in lessons. Pupils told inspectors that if something or somebody is making them feel uncomfortable, they know they could and should speak to an adult.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The development of the foundation subjects is at an earlier stage than that of English and mathematics.
Consequently, pupils' knowledge in these subjects is not as firmly embedded in their long-term memory. Pupils are not yet able to confidently draw conclusions about what they have learned. Leaders must ensure that knowledge learned in foundation subjects is secure, so that pupils can answer 'why' questions and make causal links.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.