Stratford-sub-Castle Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
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About Stratford-sub-Castle Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
Stratford-sub-Castle Church of England Voluntary Controlled Primary School
There is a strong sense of community at Stratford-sub-Castle Primary School.
Pupils say that everyone is welcome. Staff are proud to be part of this school and its community. Parents are unwaveringly positive.
They value the 'warm welcome' they all receive.
Adults have high expectations of all pupils. This starts in Reception Year, where children follow instructions well and understand classroom routines.
Pupils are polite and have good manners. They talk about their rights and responsibilities. Their positive behaviour reflects this.
Pupils of all ages play well together. There is much for them to do during social times. This makes it an en...joyable experience.
Older pupils like being 'buddies' to younger children.
Adults know the pupils well. They foster caring and positive relationships with pupils.
Pupils know that adults can help them if they have a worry. This helps them to feel safe. The computing curriculum supports pupils to learn how to stay safe online.
Pupils enjoy the responsibilities the school provides for them. Older pupils enjoy leading collective worship that reflects the school vision, 'life in all its fullness'. Pupils attend a wide range of different clubs.
These nurture their interests and talents. Clubs include STEM club, book club and multi-sport.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has been relentless in its drive to make the necessary improvements since the last inspection.
It is determined that pupils will receive an ambitious and high-quality education. The newly appointed headteacher has brought clarity and focus. Staff appreciate this.
The school is appropriately supported and challenged by the governing board.
Reading is the highest priority. This begins in Reception Year.
As soon as children begin school, they learn to recognise letters and sounds. This gets them off to a secure start in their reading journey. Adults are experts in the delivery of the phonics curriculum.
They take swift and effective action if anyone falls behind. Pupils in the early stages of reading have books that match the sounds they know. This helps to develop their fluency and confidence.
The love of reading starts in Reception Year. Older pupils enjoy a wide range of stories by classic and modern authors. They value the rewards they get for reading regularly, as well as the 'reading rock' award.
The school has overhauled the curriculum. It has identified the key knowledge it wants pupils to know and remember. This begins in Reception Year.
In mathematics, children learn to recognise numbers and match numbers to given quantities. This means that, as pupils progress through the curriculum, they can apply their knowledge of number to more complex concepts. For example, pupils can double numbers in order to find the perimeter of a rectangle.
Adaptations to learning mean that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the curriculum alongside their peers.
The school uses assessment information in mathematics and phonics to identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge. 'Keep up, catch up' sessions in mathematics and daily one-to-one interventions in phonics address pupils' gaps.
However, in some wider curriculum subjects, the school's use of assessment is at an earlier stage of development. Assessment in the wider curriculum subjects is not as well established. This means that pupils do not build knowledge as well as in other subjects.
For example, in history, pupils do not have a secure understanding of chronology.
Pupils have positive attitudes to learning. They are polite and kind to one another.
Pupils are keen to participate in class discussions and contribute their ideas. In Reception Year, children are curious and inquisitive. They problem solve together to find a solution.
They are enthusiastic about their learning. Pupils work hard and try their best. They focus on their learning without interruption.
Classrooms are productive and purposeful environments.
The school's curriculum supports pupils to understand the world beyond Stratford-sub-Castle. Pupils accept difference and know that tolerance is important.
They say that everyone is equal and that it is 'good to be different'. Pupils learn about world faiths and religious festivals. They know that democracy is a fair process to elect leaders.
Pupils explain the importance of healthy relationships. They understand the concept of 'personal space'. Pupils learn how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy.
They talk about 'five a day', fresh air and regular exercise. Pupils know how to make a positive contribution to society. They are proud of the money they raised to support a local hospital.
They know how the food donated during harvest helps families who need it most.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Assessment in some wider curriculum subjects is not well developed.
The school does not have a clear understanding of what pupils know and the gaps they have. As a result, pupils' knowledge does not build sequentially. The school needs to ensure assessment is effective to inform curriculum design so that pupils develop a secure understanding of all subjects they learn.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.