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The school is a welcoming, nurturing and happy place.
Leaders' vision of 'Unlocking potential for lifelong learning, grounded in Christian values' is threaded through much of the school's work.
Pupils follow a rich and broad curriculum, with exciting opportunities to enhance their learning. For example, pupils go to a local wildlife park and take part in residential trips.
Pupils develop their talents, such as when they perform in school productions. Children in Reception enjoy learning. However, provision in the early years is not yet good.
Leaders and staff have high expectations of pupils' learning and behaviour. Pupils are a credit to the school.... They enjoy school and behave well.
Pupils are respectful and polite. They persevere when learning gets difficult because they want to do well. Pupils are encouraged to take on positions of responsibility, such as when they become librarians or members of the school council.
Staff are caring and supportive. They form positive relationships with pupils. Pupils trust adults to look after them.
They confirm that bullying and name-calling are not tolerated. Pupils are confident that adults swiftly resolve any problems that arise. Parents typically comment that staff 'go above and beyond' expectations to help their children thrive.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff have worked, with much success, to improve the school since the previous inspection. Pupils in key stages 1 and 2 follow a high-quality, coherently- sequenced curriculum, which is taught effectively. The curriculum clearly sets out the knowledge and skills that leaders expect pupils to learn.
Teachers give clear explanations and guide pupils to revisit aspects of their learning. Pupils, therefore, apply what they have learned, practise their skills and secure their understanding. For example, in mathematics, Year 1 pupils recall their knowledge of times tables to count to 100 in multiples of 5.
In most subjects, teachers routinely assess how well pupils have learned the curriculum. However, in some subjects, leaders do not have an accurate oversight of whether pupils have successfully learned the knowledge essential for what comes next.
The curriculum in the early years foundation stage is not fully developed.
While early reading and early mathematics are well-planned and sequenced, this is not the case for other areas of the early years curriculum. Leaders do not ensure that children in the early years routinely learn in a way that sparks their curiosity and sustains their concentration. This hinders children from building the knowledge and skills they need to prepare them for Year 1.
Pupils follow a reading curriculum that supports them to read confidently and fluently. Children in early years learn to read as soon as they start school. Older pupils practise their reading regularly and develop their ability to comprehend, infer and predict.
Pupils who find reading difficult receive the support they need to read well. Pupils like to choose books from the interesting selection available in school. They listen attentively when adults read to them.
Leaders have a good understanding of the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They work closely with parents and external agencies to support pupils. Leaders and staff adapt their teaching and provide pastoral support, so that pupils with SEND learn with confidence and success.
Most pupils understand what is expected of them. They are keen and have positive attitudes to their learning. Some pupils appreciate going to the 'Cosy Corner', where they can take part in activities and talk to staff.
This helps such pupils manage their emotions and become calm. However, in the early years, children do not consistently follow the expected routines. This results in low-level disruption, which hinders children's learning.
The school supports pupils' personal development well. In personal, social and health education (PSHE), pupils learn that everyone is different. For example, older pupils enjoy reciting the poem, 'Happiness Box', which celebrates difference.
Pupils thoughtfully consider others. For example, pupils created a 'Secret Garden' art project, which they shared with residents in a local care home. Pupils donate items to the local food bank and take part in activities to raise money.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff care deeply about pupils and prioritise their safety and well-being. All staff have received appropriate training.
They understand their responsibility for keeping pupils safe. Staff consistently follow the school's procedures for referring concerns.
Leaders maintain detailed records.
They seek support from external agencies to ensure that families receive the help that they need. Leaders check that they are making a difference.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe.
For example, they are taught about online safety and healthy relationships. Pupils learn how drugs, alcohol and smoking are harmful.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In the early years, leaders have not ensured that the curriculum meets the requirements of the early years foundation stage.
The curriculum is not ambitious or well-planned across all areas of learning. As a result, children are not well supported to build the range of knowledge and skills that they need for Year 1 and beyond. Leaders must support staff to plan and implement an ambitious early years curriculum, so that children develop the knowledge, skills and vocabulary they need for their future learning.
• Children in the early years do not consistently follow expected routines. This leads to low-level disruption, which hinders children's learning. Leaders must ensure that children develop positive attitudes to learning and behave well.
• In some subjects, leaders do not have an accurate overview of whether pupils have learned the key curriculum content successfully. This means that they are not able to use this insight to adapt the curriculum accordingly. Leaders must refine the use of assessment so that they can assure themselves that pupils are learning the knowledge, skills and vocabulary they intend them to.