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Pupils love coming to this welcoming, nurturing and inspirational school. Staff work tirelessly to ensure that all pupils thrive and flourish in an inclusive learning environment and rise to their high expectations. Pupils have a strong voice in the school and know that their opinions and suggestions are valued.
One parent expressed the views of many saying, 'My child is thriving at this school. The inclusive and supportive nature means that my child feels valued and important.' There is an extremely calm and purposeful atmosphere and a culture of high aspirations.
A group of pupils agreed that the school, 'helps you reach your dreams'. Pupils demonstrate a genuine lo...ve for learning.
Staff know the pupils very well, fostering positive, trusting relationships.
Consequently, pupils are confident and happy individuals who feel very safe and well cared for. Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. From Reception, children are taught to work together collaboratively.
Across the school, pupils are kind and considerate and help each other. Pupils relish any opportunities to take on leadership roles. They make an active and positive contribution to the school community and learn what it means to be responsible, respectful citizens in the wider community.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Children get an excellent start to their school life. By the end of Reception, they are very well placed to continue their learning in Year 1. The school has a sharp focus on the development of children's speech, language and communication skills.
The learning environment inside and outside very successfully supports the rapid development of early reading, writing and number skills.
Pupils develop as confident, fluent readers. As soon as children start in Reception, they are encouraged to enjoy stories, rhymes and songs.
The phonics programme is consistently well taught. Children quickly learn the sounds that letters make and read books that match the sounds they know. Pupils at risk of falling behind are given additional help to keep up.
A love of reading is promoted successfully across the school. Adults read aloud regularly in all classes. Opportunities to read are threaded through the curriculum.
Pupils are introduced to increasingly challenging, high-quality texts.
The rich and vibrant curriculum ensures that learning builds logically over time and pupils achieve their very best. Pupils are challenged and supported very effectively.
Teachers carefully check on pupils' learning and use this information skilfully so that no one falls behind. All pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities, have access to the full curriculum and equal opportunities to learn. Effective adaptations, resources and a very skilled staff team contribute to their success.
The school sees any barriers to pupils' learning as a challenge and is innovative in finding new and creative solutions.
Discussions with pupils and a review of their current work demonstrate that they are achieving exceptionally well. The published key stage 2 outcomes in 2024 are not representative of the school's current or previous performance.
Although pupils' attainment was about average at the end of key stage 2, their prior attainment was much lower overall than usual. These pupils, therefore, made very strong progress through the curriculum during their time at school. This highlights the school's commitment to ensuring that all pupils achieve very well, regardless of their starting points.
Pupils conduct themselves exceptionally well in lessons, in the playground and around the school. The school values of perseverance, leadership, aspiration, collaboration, empathy and support are deeply embedded in the school's culture and are lived up to by pupils. The school's persistent work to improve pupils' attendance is paying off.
Attendance is now above average.
The personal development curriculum promotes pupils' well-being and develops character, life skills and spirituality exceptionally well. The school is relentless in its drive to ensure that all pupils have opportunities to broaden their experiences beyond their immediate environment and culture.
Pupils make a highly valued contribution to the school and local community. They have a very strong sense of acceptance and understanding of differences. Pupils excellent personal skills as well as their academic achievements mean that they are exceedingly well prepared for the next stage of their education.
Staff, including those new to their careers, feel highly valued and are proud to work at the school. They know that leaders carefully consider their professional development, well-being and workload. There is an exceptionally strong and effective culture of mutual support and teamwork.
The great majority of parents are very pleased with what the school offers their children. A few parents commented that they would appreciate even more opportunities to find out how well their children are doing. The trust and the school collaborate seamlessly and outstandingly well.
They share an aspirational and ambitious vision for the school. There is no complacency but an unwavering determination to build on current successes and continue to make a positive difference to pupils' lives.