Summerhill School

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About Summerhill School

Name Summerhill School
Principal Mrs Zoe Readhead
Address Westward Ho, LEISTON, Leiston, IP16 4HY
Phone Number 01728830540
Type Independent
Type Other independent school
Age Range 5-18
Religious Character Non-denominational
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 51
Local Authority Suffolk
Boarding Type Day and Full Boarding
Day Fees £2,556 to £5,000
Boarding Fees £5,571 to £8,434

Imagine a school… Where children have freedom to be themselves… Where success is not defined by academic achievement, but by the child’s own definition of success… Where the whole school deals democratically with issues, with each individual having an equal right to be heard… Where you can play all day if you want to… And there is time and space to sit and dream…

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