Swanlea School

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About Swanlea School

Name Swanlea School
Website http://www.swanlea.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Brenda Landers
Address 31 Brady Street, Whitechapel, London, E1 5DJ
Phone Number 02073753267
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1291
Local Authority Tower Hamlets
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have very high expectations for all pupils.

Every pupil attends enrichment activities organised by the school and which enrich their experiences, deepen their interests and build character. Pupils learn to play musical instruments, see theatre performances, visit places of religious and historical significance and look around universities.

Through the curriculum, pupils develop a deep understanding of the subjects they study over time.

As a result, pupils achieve highly. They leave with qualifications and personal traits that help them to be successful in the next stage of their education, training or employment.

Pupils are safe and happy..../>
Through the school's 'stand up to speak out' initiative, pupils share their views about issues that affect them in the school and the local area. Leaders listen to what pupils tell them. Student ambassadors strive to make the school even better.

Behaviour across the school is exceptional. Pupils enjoy extremely positive working relationships with all staff, based on mutual respect. Pupils move around the school in a calm, orderly and purposeful manner.

They are considerate of each other and staff.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are highly ambitious for all pupils at the school. They have planned a well-thought-through curriculum that sets out the key knowledge that pupils need to know.

It is sequenced so that pupils revisit content that they have been taught to help them to remember it easily. As a result, pupils know more and remember more over time. In religious education (RE) for example, pupils' study different aspects of Christianity and Islam and are able to use their knowledge to make links between the teachings of different prophets and prophetesses in both religions.

Pupils study a wide range of subjects in depth. In the sixth form, students have the opportunity to study a blend of A Level and vocational courses. Through effective professional development for staff, the planned curriculum is taught with expertise.

All teachers are subject specialists and use their subject knowledge effectively. Routinely, teachers check carefully that what has been taught is remembered and understood.

Leaders take the workload and well-being of staff into account.

To support continuous improvement, the school invites specialists in education to the school to develop staff further and evaluate the school's work. The governing body provides effective challenge and support through regular visits to the school.

The school has clear systems for ensuring that all pupils receive the support they need, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Adults who work with pupils with SEND are well trained to support them in the classroom. Teachers have detailed knowledge of their pupils. They provide additional support to pupils matched to their needs.

Teaching targets support where it is needed so that all pupils are able to successfully complete tasks. Pupils with SEND excel here.

Leaders have placed a high priority on reading.

Pupils read widely and often, including in the sixth form. In English classes, every pupil reads out loud extremely regularly. In other subjects such as history and RE, pupils read books including fiction books that relate to the history or RE topic they are being taught.

Pupils who struggle with reading are identified at an early stage. Staff support pupils to help them catch up quickly and develop reading fluency and confidence, including those pupils who need help to develop their phonics knowledge.

Leaders have high expectations of how pupils behave.

Teachers and pupils follow the school's behaviour policies in lessons and around the school. Pupils are highly respectful of one another and their teachers. They are extremely courteous towards one another.

They listen attentively and have very positive attitudes to the learning. Classrooms are places where pupils are focused, calm and highly engaged at all times. Pupils are keen to attend to school.

The provision for pupils' personal development is exemplary. Staff encourage pupils to understand issues that affect them, such as staying safe online. Pupils are taught what it means to be a citizen in modern Britain.

Pupils in all year groups raise funds for charity. All pupils go on school outings. They have the opportunity to attend music and drama clubs, sing in the school choir and perform in the school's orchestra.

In the sixth form, students take part in the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme and many are trained as mental health ambassadors.

The careers programme is extensive. Through the curriculum, pupils have multiple opportunities to engage with employers.

The school ensures that all pupils have equal access to these, and check that no pupil misses out. The enrichment programme supports pupils in making decisions about their future lives and finances.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

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