Swavesey Primary School

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About Swavesey Primary School

Name Swavesey Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Anna-Claire Norden
Address Middle Watch, Swavesey, Cambridge, CB24 4RN
Phone Number 01954273312
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 303
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school The school provides a good quality of education. It has some significant strengths. As national expectations have risen, the school has not sustained an outstanding standard of education for pupils.

Nonetheless, the determined headteacher is ensuring that the school is securely good. The headteacher is ably supported by the experienced senior leadership team. They make a strong contribution to the good and improving picture of teaching and outcomes.

Governors are actively involved in the life of the school. They understand, and are fully committed to, their role in improving the quality of education. They hold leaders to account effective...ly for pupils' achievements.

Leaders ensure that the curriculum is carefully planned with a rich variety of activities and memorable experiences that promote pupils' academic skills and personal development well. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported effectively and make good progress in their learning. Leaders use the physical education (PE) and sport premium funding to very good effect.

Pupils are friendly, polite and well mannered. Their conduct and behaviour around the school and in lessons is good. Parents hold the school in high regard.

They appreciate the many experiences the school provides for their children. Differences in progress and attainment between disadvantaged pupils and other pupils nationally are diminishing. However, the achievement of disadvantaged pupils needs to improve further.

Leaders for subjects other than English and mathematics do not have a clear understanding of the quality of teaching and outcomes in their subjects. This means that they cannot ensure that pupils achieve well across the wider curriculum. Teachers plan learning activities that enable most pupils to make good progress.

However, the work for the most able pupils is not routinely demanding enough. This means that these pupils do not consistently achieve as well as they could. Pupils' books are occasionally untidy.

This is because not all teachers are consistent in their expectations of the presentation of pupils' work. The early years provides well for children's needs and interests. However, the outdoor learning environment is not yet fully developed to allow children to be purposefully engaged when they are not working with an adult.

Information about this school

The school is an average-sized primary school. Most pupils are White British. The proportion of pupils eligible for support through the government's pupil premium funding is below the national average.

The proportion of pupils with SEND is above the national average. The proportion who have an education, health and care plan is above the national average. The school has a pre-school within the early years, which provides for two- to four-year-olds.

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