Swinton Queen Primary School

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About Swinton Queen Primary School

Name Swinton Queen Primary School
Website http://www.swintonqueenprimary.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Paul Higginbottom
Address Queen Street, Swinton, Mexborough, S64 8NE
Phone Number 01709570438
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 346
Local Authority Rotherham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Swinton Queen Primary School is a welcoming community in which pupils are happy and feel safe. Leaders and staff have high expectations for pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those eligible to receive the government's pupil premium funding. Pupils enjoy coming to school.

All staff are determined to help pupils thrive.

Most pupils behave well. Pupils are polite and respectful to their friends and to adults in school.

They understand what bullying means. They are confident that bullying is not a common feature of their school. Adults act quickly to respond to any incidents of bullying that occur.

A sma...ll number of pupils struggle to manage their behaviours. Leaders have introduced a bespoke programme to ensure that these pupils have the support they need to be successful in school.

Pupils value the wider curriculum opportunities available to them.

These include residential visits and the book club, gardening club and drama club. Pupils speak positively about the opportunities they have to take part in sports activities outside of school. They are particularly enthusiastic about taking part in the local football 'Totty Cup', where they can compete against other schools.

The number of pupils who are persistently absent from school is too high. These pupils are missing valuable learning time and, as a result, have gaps in their knowledge. Leaders, with the support of the multi-academy trust, are taking positive action to reduce these absences.

Despite leaders' efforts, some parents and carers do not bring their children to school on time.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed and implemented a well-sequenced and ambitious curriculum in all subjects. This begins in the early years, where leaders have considered the subject knowledge and vocabulary that children need to be ready for the next stage in their learning.

Subject leaders have ensured that staff have the information they need to deliver the planned curriculum well. The curriculums in some subjects, such as science, mathematics and physical education, are more developed than in others. In these subjects, pupils demonstrate a good recall of prior learning.

However, in other subjects, such as history, pupils do not have the prior knowledge they need to make connections in their learning.

The teaching of reading is a clear priority across the school. In the early years, adults provide regular opportunities for children to share familiar tales and develop a love of reading.

Pupils in key stages 1 and 2 are enthusiastic about the books they read each day in class. Leaders have provided staff with the training they need to teach the phonics programme well. Teachers and teaching assistants use daily small-group or individual teaching to support any pupils who may be falling behind.

Pupils read books that contain the sounds that they know. They apply their phonic knowledge confidently. However, a small number of adults miss opportunities to help pupils develop a fluent approach to their reading.

In reading and mathematics, teachers use regular assessments to plan learning that matches closely to pupils' individual needs. This helps pupils to make rapid progress. However, in other subjects, assessment is less consistent.

This means that teachers do not have a secure knowledge of any gaps in pupils' knowledge. As a result, teachers move on to new learning before pupils are ready.

Recent improvements to the support for pupils with SEND are helping pupils to access leaders' ambitious curriculum plans.

The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) supports teachers to provide a range of adaptations and guidance in each lesson. These include additional adult support and technology such as dictation software. The SENCo has provided teachers with training to develop their understanding of issues such as dyslexia and autism spectrum disorder.

This has increased teachers' awareness of how to support pupils with different needs in the classroom.

Most pupils have positive attitudes to learning and are engaged in their lessons. Pupils show respect for each other.

Leaders have fostered an inclusive and accepting school culture. Pupils know that some of their friends may struggle to manage their behaviour. They deal with this well and show understanding and compassion.

In the early years, adults use stories to help children learn to recognise and name their emotions. This continues as pupils progress through the school. By Year 6, pupils manage their behaviours well and recognise the impact poor behaviour has on others.

Leaders have introduced a well-sequenced curriculum for personal development. A carefully considered programme of assemblies helps to strengthen pupils' understanding of areas such as tolerance, individual liberty and mutual respect. The curriculum provides opportunities for pupils to discuss equality through events such as Black History Month and Pride Month.

Pupils demonstrate the values they have learned through their positive relationships with adults and with their friends.

The trust and local governing board provide effective support and challenge to the headteacher. This has helped school leaders to make significant improvements over the past 12 months.

The headteacher has created a cohesive staff team whose members are eager to continue to develop and improve. Staff feel supported and are proud to be part of the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created an effective safeguarding culture across the school. Teachers understand how to identify and report concerns. They have a thorough understanding of safeguarding risks within the local community, such as county lines (county lines is where illegal drugs are transported from one area to another, usually by children or vulnerable people who are coerced into it by gangs), domestic violence and substance abuse.

Leaders act quickly in response to safeguarding and child protection concerns. They work closely with external partners, such as social workers and the local police, to help keep children safe. The single central record of recruitment checks is well maintained.

Pupils feel safe in school. They know whom they can speak to if they are worried. Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to learn about positive relationships.

Pupils understand the importance of consent. The local police help pupils to understand additional dangers, such as railway and canal safety.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, such as history, the curriculum is in the early stages of implementation.

As a result, pupils do not have a secure recall of the key subject knowledge they will need for later learning. Leaders should ensure that all pupils embed the essential subject concepts, such as chronology, to make sure they are prepared for the next stage in their learning. ? Leaders have not developed a consistent approach to assessment in subjects other than English and mathematics.

There are limited opportunities for pupils to regularly recall and embed their learning. Teachers do not have an accurate understanding of the gaps in pupils' subject knowledge. Leaders should ensure that teachers use assessment as part of learning to make sure that pupils' subject knowledge is secure.

• The number of pupils who are persistently absent from school is too high. These pupils are missing out on essential learning opportunities and are falling behind their peers. Leaders, with the support of the trust, should continue to educate and challenge parents about the importance of regular school attendance.

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