Sybourn Primary School

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About Sybourn Primary School

Name Sybourn Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Ms Janette Boukadida
Address Sybourn Street, London, E17 8HA
Phone Number 02085394110
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 559
Local Authority Waltham Forest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders ensure that all pupils can excel. They have high expectations for every pupil in the school.

Leaders enable pupils to be highly motivated to learn.

Pupils are extremely hardworking, polite and kind. They are proud of their school.

Staff encourage them to make positive contributions to the school community. Working relationships between staff and pupils are exceptionally positive. Staff know their pupils very well and ensure that they are safe and happy.

The behaviour of pupils is exemplary both during lessons and around the school site. There are many opportunities for staff to recognise pupils' positive behaviour, including through weekly re...wards assemblies.

All pupils have access to a wide range of extra opportunities in the school.

They take part in many enrichment activities, including through music, coding, yoga and needlework clubs. Pupils also benefit from specialised music and horse-riding clubs. There are a range of student leadership groups that pupils can join, including the 'eco' and student council.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders' curricular thinking is highly developed. They have designed a curriculum that is ambitious for all pupils. This includes excellent support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders make sure that staff are highly skilled at adapting pupils' learning. This enables pupils to achieve highly across the curriculum. They work closely with external agencies to support pupils with SEND access the right help.

Across all subjects, leaders build on pupils' knowledge progressively over time. Teachers revise and practise pupils' prior learning regularly. This helps pupils to develop deep subject-specific knowledge and understanding.

For example, in science, teachers helped pupils in Year 4 to understand about fair testing. In early years, staff think carefully about how children learn across all areas of learning. Staff help children to develop their independence very well.

This means that children are fully ready for Year 1.

Teachers have excellent subject knowledge and deliver content clearly. They check for pupils' understanding systematically and address any misconceptions quickly.

This ensures that all pupils produce work of an exceptionally high standard. For instance, pupils produce extended writing of a very high quality.

Leaders place a strong emphasis on pupils learning to read from the very start of Reception.

Staff are trained effectively so that phonics teaching has a high level of consistency. They check and identify sharply any pupils who may fall behind with early reading. Staff provide precise and highly effective support so that these pupils catch up and keep up.

This helps pupils to read with fluency and confidence.Teachers read to all pupils every day. They use a range of well-chosen texts to inspire and stimulate pupils' love of reading.

In early years, staff develop children's communication and language skills very well. They build on children's vocabulary with great expertise so that they are ready for future content.

Pupils have highly positive attitudes to their learning.

They are focused, enthusiastic and inquisitive. Staff enable pupils to work extremely effectively with each other. This helps pupils to collaborate with each other and contribute actively during lessons.

In early years, staff help children to follow routines and instructions extremely well. Children move around the early years very sensibly and enjoy learning alongside their peers. Staff help all pupils to have sustained levels of concentration in lessons so that learning continues uninterrupted.

Leaders have developed a thoughtful and well-planned personal development programme. This helps pupils to develop a thorough understanding of how to stay safe and healthy. Pupils have access to a rich set of wider opportunities.

Staff plan many outings for pupils which help to develop their learning, including about other cultures. These include visits to the theatre, the Tate Modern and the Youth Parliament. Staff place high importance on pupils broadening their interests and experiences, for instance through visitors such as authors, drama workshops and bicycle safety sessions.

Leaders help to look after the health and welfare of staff. They have created an exceptional professional development programme. They identify individual training needs and provide bespoke training opportunities for staff.

This helps staff to be highly skilled to deliver the taught curriculum.

The governing body understands the priorities of the school and carries out its role effectively. It has a clear strategic vision and provides appropriate challenge and support to leaders.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have created a strong culture of safeguarding at the school. Staff are well trained.

They understand how to identify concerns and are vigilant in reporting them. Pupils are taught how to report any concerns and they all have a trusted adult in the school.

Leaders take swift action to address any emerging safeguarding matters.

They understand and are responsive to potential risks in the local area. Leaders work effectively with external agencies to provide pupils with specialist support when it is required. They provide help and guidance to families in a timely way.

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