Tadpole Farm CofE Primary Academy

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About Tadpole Farm CofE Primary Academy

Name Tadpole Farm CofE Primary Academy
Website http://www.tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr John Spencer
Address Greene Street, Tadpole Garden Village, Swindon, SN25 2QS
Phone Number 01793729740
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 454
Local Authority Swindon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Tadpole Farm Church of England Primary Academy is a welcoming and inclusive school. The school's 'LEAP' vision underpins the newly designed curriculum, which is ambitious.

Pupils are curious to learn new knowledge. They enjoy coming to school. Pupils describe it as a friendly place.

The school has high expectations for how pupils behave. Pupils meet these expectations and understand, appreciate and respect difference. They conduct themselves well and treat one another with respect.

Pupils are polite and well-mannered.

The school prioritises pupils' well-being and safety. Staff form trusting, caring relationships with pupils.

As a result, pup...ils feel happy and valued. They feel safe in school and learn how to stay safe online. Pupils feel confident to share any worries with trusted adults in school.

Pupils enjoy opportunities to take on leadership responsibilities across the school. They say that these roles make them feel proud and help them to set a positive example to others. Pupils enjoy a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and activities.

They enjoy taking part in sports tournaments with other local schools.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has responded well to address the areas for improvement identified at the previous inspection. A broad curriculum has been designed from Nursery through to Year 6.

The school ensures the learning is well sequenced. Published outcomes in key stage 2 were low last year. However, the improvements to the curriculum are enabling current pupils to progress well through the school.

As a result, outcomes are improving.

Reading is at the heart of the curriculum. In Nursery, children enjoy nursery rhymes and stories.

Children in the early years start to read as soon as they start school. The reading curriculum is designed and organised well. The school regularly checks pupils' phonics knowledge and identifies those who need extra support.

These pupils receive the help they need to catch up quickly. Reading books match pupils' phonics knowledge. This supports pupils to read with fluency.

Pupils enjoy reading, stating that 'it helps to expand their vocabulary'. The school has developed a reading curriculum to widen pupils' cultural understanding. Pupils develop their fluency and reading skills as they move through the school.

Assessment is used to identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge. Where effective, 'in the moment' checks help to address misconceptions. This supports pupils to build their knowledge well.

However, assessment is not always used with enough precision to check what all pupils know and remember. As a result, some pupils develop gaps in their knowledge. This makes it harder for them to build on what they already know.

Learning is not always adapted sufficiently to enable pupils to develop a deeper understanding.

The school has developed a nurturing and inclusive environment. In the early years, adults know the needs of the children well.

They reinforce language and model key vocabulary. Adults support children in the early years to think for themselves and share their own ideas. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported well.

Learning is adapted to meet the needs of these pupils. This means that pupils with SEND learn and progress through the curriculum as well as their peers. Pupils with SEND participate in all aspects of school life.

Staff have high expectations of pupils' behaviour. As a result, pupils behave well and have compassion for each other. They show positive attitudes to learning and conduct themselves well around the school.

The atmosphere in the school is calm and purposeful. In social times, pupils play respectfully with each other.

Pupils are passionate about supporting and celebrating others.

The school is inclusive and promotes diversity. Pupils read 'belonging books', stating that these 'put you in someone else's shoes and help you see things from their point of view'. Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe in the community, including when online.

There are many enrichment opportunities for pupils beyond the academic curriculum. Pupils recognise the importance of helping others, for example through raising money for charities.

Trustees and local governors understand their roles well.

They provide effective support and challenge to the school. The trust values the importance of developing staff expertise. This ensures the curriculum is implemented well.

Staff appreciate the training they receive and feel well supported by school leaders and the trust.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment is not always used with enough precision to check what pupils know and remember.

As a result, some pupils have gaps in their knowledge. This slows their progress through the curriculum. The trust needs to ensure that assessment is used effectively, to understand what pupils know and can do.

• Learning is not always adapted sufficiently to enable pupils to deepen their knowledge and understanding. As a result, some pupils do not build their knowledge as well as they could. The trust needs to ensure that learning is adapted when necessary to ensure all pupils progress as well as possible through the curriculum.

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