Talbot Specialist School

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About Talbot Specialist School

Name Talbot Specialist School
Website https://talbotlearningcommunity.org.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mrs Heather Partington
Address Lees Hall Road, Sheffield, S8 9JP
Phone Number 01142507394
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 11-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 235
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Senior leaders, including governors, have developed a strong vision for the future, which is shared by staff. They have worked effectively together to ensure that overall, the quality of teaching is good across the school.

Senior leaders play a pivotal role in delivering special educational needs services within the local authority and have in the past directly supported another school. Governors have been very effective in helping the school move forward. Their regular visits and close involvement in developing school policy enable them to offer expert support and challenge to school leaders.

Staff understand the needs of their pupils we...ll. Teachers and teaching assistants are adept at supporting pupils' needs. This enables pupils to make good or better progress and achieve well over time.

The cheerful and happy way in which pupils greet staff at the start of the school day clearly demonstrates pupils' enjoyment of school. Disadvantaged pupils make equally good progress as others in the school due to the carefully targeted support they receive. Pupils are polite, empathetic and caring.

They show helpful attitudes towards each other as well as to staff and visitors. Most are very enthusiastic when visiting the canteen, shared by the adjacent secondary school, queuing politely and patiently to be served. Pupils behave exceptionally well both inside and outside the classroom.

They remain interested and engaged even when waiting to take turns in lessons. Students who attend the school's post-16 provision make good progress due to the relevant curriculum, which closely matches their needs. Staff use alternative forms of communication, such as signing, well to enable pupils to communicate fluently and effectively.

Staff also use symbols to support pupils' development of reading and writing skills. However, sometimes there is an over-reliance on the use of symbols which slows the most able pupils from developing their writing skills. The role that middle leaders play in supporting senior leaders to bring about improvement is at an early stage of development.

School leaders are aware of this and have taken steps to bring about improvement. However, it is too soon to see the impact of these changes.

Information about this school

The school meets requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.

The school caters for secondary-aged pupils who have a range of special educational needs and/or disabilities, including profound and multiple learning difficulties, severe learning difficulties and autistic spectrum disorder. Many also have associated physical and medical needs. All pupil who attend have an education, health and care (EHC) plan or a statement of special educational needs.

The school shares its site with Newfield Secondary School. Both schools share a cafeteria and dining area. The school does not make use of off-site training.

The executive headteacher is a national leader of education. The school holds teaching school status. Senior leaders work closely with the local authority, supporting schools across the authority in developing provision for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families.

Also at this postcode
Newfield Secondary School

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