Tameside Primary Academy

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About Tameside Primary Academy

Name Tameside Primary Academy
Website https://tamesideprimary.academy/
Ofsted Inspections
Mr Mitchell Hill
Address Price Road, Wednesbury, WS10 0EZ
Phone Number 01215560340
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 411
Local Authority Sandwell
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Tameside Primary Academy is a school where pupils and the school community are at the heart of everything leaders do. Leaders are ambitious for pupils.

They ensure that pupils develop the knowledge and skills to be confident in life beyond school. Pupils flourish at this school.

Leaders have high expectations from the moment children join in early years.

Children excel and become confident readers and mathematicians and have a thirst for learning.

Pupils relish the opportunities that the school opens up to them. They enjoy well-planned trips and residential opportunities.

Leaders ensure that all pupils have equal access to these trips, makin...g any adaptations needed for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils behave well and have excellent manners. Lessons are rarely disrupted.

Pupils are extremely tolerant of, and respectful towards, others. They embrace diversity and say, 'All people are welcome here.' If bullying does occur, leaders deal with it effectively.

They work closely with pupils to educate them about the impact of bullying. This helps to minimise any future fallings-out. Pupils are supported to feel safe through the school counsellor and the range of 'trusted adults' who help to look after them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, including those from the trust, know the community exceptionally well. They have an unwavering determination to ensure that all pupils receive the very best experiences in school. This starts with the provision for pupils' personal development.

Leaders ensure that all pupils benefit from a rich range of extracurricular opportunities. For example, pupils go on three residential visits during their time in school. These focus on developing different skills, such as in art, music and drama, as well as outdoor and adventurous activities.

Pupils learn in detail about different religions and cultures. They are taught about the impact they can have on others. For example, a Year 3 pupil spoke at length about how they could help a farmer in Ghana to escape poverty by changing their own actions and encouraging their family to make changes too.

Leaders' vision to provide all pupils with a high-quality education is shared by all staff. The curriculum is ambitious. Leaders have designed the curriculum so that it builds up pupils' knowledge and skills over time.

However, in some subjects, leaders have not identified the precise knowledge that they want pupils to remember. This means that pupils do not always remember the important knowledge that leaders expect. In these subjects, subject leaders have not had the opportunity to monitor how well pupils learn the curriculum.

There is a strong focus on reading throughout the school. Leaders have ensured that the books they want the pupils to know and enjoy are carefully identified. They have included books that offer a depth of understanding about issues such as sexism, cultural awareness and life as a refugee.

The early reading curriculum is of high quality and begins as soon as children start in early years. All staff are experts in teaching phonics. As a result, they quickly identify and address any misconceptions, such as incorrect pronunciation.

Teachers regularly recap the sounds the children have learned, which helps to develop fluency and confidence. Those pupils who fall behind in reading are quickly and effectively supported to catch up.

Pupils with SEND have their needs identified very quickly, so that support can be put in place.

Trained staff use a wide range of appropriate strategies that support pupils to achieve well.

Early years is a hive of activity. Children settle into school routines quickly.

Teachers have thought carefully about the precise knowledge that they want the children to learn over their time in early years. Activities deepen children's understanding so that they become experts in their own learning. An example was seen when all children were skilled in using an electronic programme for creating music.

Children have excellent attitudes towards learning and focus on activities for a sustained period of time. This helps them to achieve highly.

Pastoral support for pupils is exceptional.

Leaders have ensured that all pupils have an outlet if they are worried. For example, pupils can talk to the school's qualified counsellor, trusted adults and the pupil safeguarding champions. Pupils have a strong understanding of the different religions and the importance of rules and fairness in society.

They talked confidently about how following the rule of law has helped to improve behaviour as, 'We can't behave like that outside of school, so we don't do it in school.'

Leaders engage very well with parents and carers. Leaders strive to promote ambition with pupils and families alike.

Leaders are continuing to work with some parents to promote good attendance, since some pupils are regularly absent from school.

Staff are happy at the school and feel well supported. Leaders are considerate of staff's well-being and workload.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Safeguarding is very well managed. Leaders have ensured that all staff are well trained to spot whether a pupil is at risk of harm or neglect.

Staff report any concerns, no matter how small, and effective help and support are quickly put in place.

Pupils are taught about how to keep themselves safe. They learn about healthy relationships and consent.

They are taught how this links to keeping safe in the wider world, including when using technology. External agencies regularly talk to pupils about keeping safe in the community. For example, the police spoke to pupils about knife crime and anti-social behaviour.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a small number of subjects, leaders have not identified the precise knowledge that they want pupils to learn. This means that pupils do not remember more of the curriculum in these subjects. Leaders should make sure that they identify the important knowledge that they want pupils to learn in these subjects.

• Some subject leaders have not had the opportunity to monitor the impact of the curriculum in their subjects. This means that leaders are not clear about how well pupils learn the curriculum. Leaders should ensure that all subject leaders have the opportunity to monitor pupils' learning.

• Too many pupils are regularly absent from school for long periods. This means that they do not learn as much as they should. Leaders should continue to work closely with families to ensure that pupils attend school regularly.

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