Tanners Wood Junior Mixed and Infant School

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About Tanners Wood Junior Mixed and Infant School

Name Tanners Wood Junior Mixed and Infant School
Website http://www.tannerswood.herts.sch.uk/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Parv Qureshi
Address Hazelwood Lane, Abbots Langley, WD5 0LG
Phone Number 01923262229
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 439
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are well cared for at this nurturing school. Staff put high emphasis on pupils' well-being and encourage pupils to live out the school's motto to 'be the best you can'.

Staff help pupils to keep going even if they find something tricky. For example, pupils know how to use their 'learning Bs' if they get stuck, such as looking back at what they have learned previously or asking a buddy. They understand that this helps them to become more confident and independent.

Pupils enjoy sharing their achievements, for example in sport or the arts. Pupils told us, 'Everyone has a talent and can do something well.' Pupils are friendly and respectful.

From Nursery t...o Year 6, they get along well with each other. Bullying is rare, and staff deal with it effectively if it happens.

Leaders and staff establish positive relationships with families so that parents know the school's high expectations and understand how to support their children's learning at home.

Parents and carers told us that staff at Tanners Wood are a 'fabulous team'. Everyone is rightly proud of how well pupils behave and achieve in their learning.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The headteacher and deputy headteacher provide strong leadership.

Governors and staff share their determination that all pupils are happy, safe and learn well.Leaders have strengthened the quality of education throughout the school. Along with teachers and governors, they think carefully about what they want pupils to learn and how best to make this happen.

Leaders are keen that the curriculum is right for all pupils, but do not always make sure that tasks are well matched to all pupils.

Staff work well together to make sure that pupils develop their learning in a structured way. The teaching plans in reading, mathematics, science and history set out what pupils need to learn and in what order.

Teachers make sure that pupils remember previous learning and use this to develop new knowledge and skills. Plans for learning in other subjects such as geography, computing and art are in place, but the knowledge and skills that pupils need to learn are not so clearly identified.

Reading is a high priority.

Leaders recognise it helps pupils to succeed in other subjects. Teachers and teaching assistants are well trained to teach phonics. Most pupils gain the skills they need to become fluent readers by the end of Year 6.

Any pupils who begin to fall behind are given extra support to help them to catch up quickly. Older pupils talk confidently about their favourite authors.

Staff expect pupils to listen and concentrate in lessons.

Pupils respond positively. They follow instructions and settle to tasks as soon as their teachers ask them to.

Pupils develop their personal and social skills effectively.

By the end of Year 6 they are well prepared for secondary school. There are many opportunities to support pupils' personal development and make sure that they experience the world beyond their own community. Leadership roles and fundraising events help pupils consider how important their behaviour and actions are to others.

Sensitive issues, such as knife crime, are dealt with in an age-appropriate way. Attendance and punctuality have improved across the school.

Leaders have high ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Leaders use the advice and expertise of external specialists to identify and plan the right support. They also work closely with teachers, pupils and parents to make sure that the help each pupil receives enables them to achieve well.

Children in early years make a great start.

In both the Nursery and Reception classes, staff help children to learn new words and talk in sentences. They plan interesting and fun activities to make sure that children grasp early reading and mathematical skills. Children enjoy learning about others and the world around them.

Staff take good care of children and make sure that they are safe. Staff also encourage children to become more independent, for example by getting children to add their name to the 'register' board when they arrive at school and organise their own snack time.

Leaders support staff effectively.

They provide training to improve teaching and are considerate of staff workload, especially over the past few years of raised expectations. Staff are positive about the professional development they receive. They are a motivated and supportive team.

They know what they do well and are keen to make their teaching even better.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

All appropriate checks are made when recruiting staff.

Systems and procedures to keep children safe are well known to staff. Staff receive regular, high-quality training, including around particular issues that are present in the local community. Staff report any concerns they have about pupils confidently and quickly.

Leaders take prompt action, working with external agencies to ensure that pupils' needs are met effectively. The family support worker builds positive relationships with vulnerable pupils and their families. This helps to improve pupils' attendance and experience of school life.

Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

The school's curriculum is sufficiently well planned and sequenced in reading, writing, mathematics and most foundation subjects. Leaders are in the process of improving the curriculum plans for subjects such as computing and art, where the sequence of knowledge and skills for pupils to learn successfully is not as securely in place.

. In subjects other than reading, writing and mathematics, leaders need to make sure that teaching enables all pupils to achieve their best. In particular, they need to make sure that tasks and experiences are adapted to meet the needs of disadvantaged pupils so that any gaps in their knowledge and understanding are addressed.

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