Tealby School

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About Tealby School

Name Tealby School
Website http://www.tealby.lincs.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Zoe Humberstone
Address Front Street, Tealby, Market Rasen, LN8 3XU
Phone Number 01673838330
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 79
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils receive a good standard of education at Tealby school. They have lots of opportunities to learn about all subjects of the national curriculum. Teachers link learning to help it stick in pupils' memory.

They have high expectations for what pupils should be able to do across the curriculum.

Pupils have high standards for themselves and each other. They hope to achieve the weekly values award or, even better, the headteacher's award.

When they have a problem, they first try to work it out with their friends. They know staff are on hand if they need them. Pupils are not worried about bullying.

They say that it is extremely rare. Of the pupils insp...ectors spoke with, none could think of a single incident of bullying.

Pupils relish the opportunities they have to learn outside the classroom.

The outdoor learning programme makes good use of the facilities around the school. Pupils test out their independence and resilience by learning survival skills.

The school's curriculum is well planned to develop pupils' knowledge as they go through the school.

Leaders have redesigned the curriculum for reading and mathematics this year. However, some aspects need sharpening to make the curriculum in these subjects even better.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

In a very short space of time, leaders have made significant improvements.

These improvements are having a positive impact on pupils' learning. Staff say they have been very well supported through these changes.

The school's programme for phonics is effective.

As pupils learn more sounds, they read with increasing confidence. Teachers make sure that the books that pupils read closely match their stage of reading. Pupils achieve early success, which helps to develop their love of books.

When pupils finish the phonics programme, the reading curriculum is less well structured. Most pupils learn the reading knowledge they need, but they lack confidence when discussing what they have read.

In mathematics, the curriculum is well designed and sequenced.

It builds on what pupils already know. Teachers revisit previous learning to make sure that pupils remember it. Teachers are working well with this new approach.

This is helping pupils to develop secure mathematical knowledge. Occasionally, teachers do not precisely adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of a few pupils. Some are not challenged enough.

Others need extra support to help them understand what they are learning.

Teachers join learning in different subjects together. They plan activities from a well-sequenced curriculum.

Teachers know what pupils have learned before, and what they need to know in the future. This enables them to plan activities which help to build pupils' knowledge. For example, pupils made Second World War gas mask boxes using their knowledge of 3D shapes and nets.

In the early years, children are very enthusiastic learners. The early years team has good knowledge of the curriculum. This allows the staff to encourage children to take their learning where they want it to go.

For example, children learned about the fable of the crow and the pitcher. Children began by trying out how adding stones to a cup of water raises the water level. Some children took this further, and considered the welfare of the crow and other birds.

They drew on their previous learning about animals and their habitats.

Leaders have made sure that pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have the right support. Leaders are aware that some pupils have been inaccurately identified as having SEND.

Some of these pupils may have gaps in knowledge due to weaknesses in the curriculum in the past. Leaders are carefully checking the support these pupils receive to help them to catch up.

In lessons, pupils behave very well.

When learning in the wider curriculum, they are highly motivated, determined and resilient. Occasionally, when they are less confident, they do not show these learning traits. Pupils understand that people are different, yet the same.

They are respectful of people's choices.

In the past, the school's governing body has been too accepting of what leaders have told it. This has prevented the governing body from finding out why pupils have not achieved as well as they should.

The governing body's procedures are not strong enough to sharply hold leaders to account.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The headteacher has implemented a new system for reporting safeguarding concerns.

This is well understood by staff. The new system pulls together safeguarding, behaviour and pastoral concerns. Leaders check records of concerns frequently.

They can spot any patterns of concerns. Staff at all levels know why it is important to pass on concerns. They are vigilant and know the possible signs of abuse.

One member of staff told inspectors it was important to get to know pupils, so that they can spot any changes in behaviour.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

Once pupils complete the phonics programme, the development of their reading knowledge is not precisely planned. The knowledge that pupils will need when reading is not made explicit enough.

Some pupils do not know how to analyse more complex texts. Leaders must ensure that the curriculum for reading develops pupils' reading knowledge so that they can confidently discuss and analyse different texts. .

Occasionally in mathematics, the ambition for what a few pupils should be able to achieve is not matched closely to the tasks they are given. Some pupils are not challenged enough, and others are not always provided with the resources they might need to help them. Leaders must make sure that teachers know how to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of all learners.

. The school's governing body does not have robust systems and procedures in place to fully understand and challenge what is happening at the school. Governors must review their current practice to ensure they have an overview of the school's strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to fully hold leaders to account.

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