Teddington School

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About Teddington School

Name Teddington School
Website http://www.teddingtonschool.org/
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Paul Grills
Address Broom Road, Teddington, TW11 9PJ
Phone Number 02089430033
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1395
Local Authority Richmond upon Thames
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is a school where pupils enjoy their lessons, feel happy and are safe.

Pupils are respectful towards one another and value the positive relationships that they have with staff. Leaders have high expectations of pupils and, in return, behaviour is typically calm and orderly. Any low-level behaviour in lessons is dealt with well.

Bullying is not tolerated. Pupils know that it will be quickly dealt with by staff.

Teaching takes place within a supportive and inclusive classroom environment.

Teddington is a caring environment, where diversity is recognised and celebrated in the curriculum. Pupils' needs are well known, and support provided for those ...who require it. This means that pupils achieve well.

Pupils speak about their curriculum planners for each subject and how these clearly identify the key vocabulary and skills pupils need to know for each topic.

Pupils appreciate the range of external visitors who come into school. They have access to a variety of extracurricular opportunities.

They value the careers education that they receive, which supports them for their next steps.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum matches the ambition of the national curriculum. Plans in individual subject areas prioritise important content for pupils to learn and organise this into a logical order.

Consequently, teachers are clear about what they must teach, including in the sixth form. In turn, this helps them break down complex concepts and provide appropriate activities that help pupils learn effectively. Most pupils are confident about what they have learned in their different subjects over time.

For example, pupils could discuss what they had learned about the different characteristics of man-made and natural materials during Year 8, when they were learning remotely. This allowed them to explain why different types of wood was used in the car that they were making as Year 9 pupils. Similarly, in French, pupils have good recall of previously learned vocabulary to help them create more complex sentences in different tenses.

Across all subjects, bespoke curriculum planners are issued to pupils. These identify the key knowledge, skills, and vocabulary they need to know. The expectation is that the planners should be used to assess pupils' work and identify next steps.

Some subjects use these documents more effectively than others. In a few subjects, including science, not all pupils complete the activities laid out in the planners. This means that not all work is completed to the highest standard.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have their requirements clearly identified. Teachers use this information to develop strategies to support individual pupils. Personalised targets are identified for each subject.

Staff attend meetings to discuss the needs of individual students. In some circumstances, the pupil leads this meeting to talk about strategies that help them to learn. Pupils below their expected reading age receive effective targeted support to help with their reading.

Younger pupils are also supported by sixth form reading buddies.

High expectations from staff ensure that pupils are ready to learn. Personalised strategies help those who need additional support with their behaviour.

Leaders constantly work to strengthen this provision. Teachers handle any low-level behaviour concerns well; they do not allow these to impact on learning. The planned curriculum goes beyond the academic.

The school regularly celebrates different cultures, for example Chinese New Year with food and Columbian culture through art provision. Pupils have access to a broad range of enrichment activities.

Pupils are well prepared for later life.

Leaders have planned an effective careers programme for all year groups. This is in addition to the personal, social, health and economic education programme (PSHE). PSHE lessons up to Year 11 are well planned and sequenced.

Sixth form PSHE lessons are less well developed. Sixth form students learn PSHE in form time at the start of the day and through enrichment activities. This includes important relationships and sex education.

However, punctuality and attendance to enrichment is not currently tracked effectively in the sixth form. Some students also have agreed late starts. Consequently, a minority of students in the sixth form miss out on aspects of important personal development learning.

Staff at all levels speak about a clear 'open door policy' in the school. They feel that leaders take clear consideration of their workload and well-being. They value the training they receive.

The trust has supported the school with rigorous and accurate self-evaluation and monitoring. Leaders discuss this with governors. Because of this they have a clear understanding about the strengths and areas of development for the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Pupils feel safe and cared for in the school. They appreciate the support of the pastoral teams.

Following a review from the trust, the school has increased capacity in the safeguarding team. Clear systems are in place to record any concerns and staff are clear about how to do this. Detailed records are kept.

The specific needs of vulnerable pupils are highlighted to staff regularly. Leaders work with external agencies where required. Pupils appreciate the work done on mental health.

The curriculum helps pupils' awareness of risks they might face, for example online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Although curriculum planners for pupils have been introduced in all subjects, there is variation in how effectively they are being used. A small minority of pupils are not completing all tasks that have been set by teachers.

This means that these pupils' work is not always of the highest quality. Leaders need to continue to strengthen the assessment systems that are in place. They must also ensure they follow up with pupils when activities are not fully complete.

This is to ensure that the planned learning is having the full impact for all pupils. ? Systems for tracking attendance and punctuality in sixth form are not as effective as they could be. Due to lateness to school and planned late starts, some sixth form pupils are missing their PSHE provision.

When they are late, they miss important PSHE which puts them at a disadvantage for later life. Leaders need to refine the systems they have currently to ensure they have accurate records of sixth form attendance. Staff need to be more robust in monitoring and following up lateness in the sixth form.

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