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Pupils are enthusiastic and excited to share their learning. They are incredibly proud of their school community and value their positive relationships with staff and peers.
Pupils demonstrate positive attitudes to learning. They share the school's high expectations of what they will achieve. They are motivated to learn.
This begins as soon as they join the school. For instance, in Reception, children demonstrate resilience to persevere on a task. The school focuses on pupils' individual needs.
Learning and support are tailored to enable pupils to thrive and achieve well.
Pupils show great respect for each other. They appreciate and value their diffe...rent opinions and beliefs, which helps to create a happy school environment.
Behaviour is consistently positive. Playtimes are joyful, with pupils creating games and playing harmoniously. If they have any worries or concerns, pupils know that every adult in the school will listen and help.
The school offers an extensive range of memorable enrichment opportunities to inspire pupils' learning. For instance, Year 5 pupils loved the opportunity to perform Shakespeare in Greenwich Theatre. Pupils are proud to represent the school at sporting tournaments and music events.
Pupil leaders know they make a positive impact on the school and wider community. For instance, eco warriors work together to help reduce school waste and improve air pollution by encouraging walking. The school council plans and hosts charity events.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The rich, broad curriculum enables pupils to build knowledge, skills and vocabulary progressively. For instance, a strong foundation of number knowledge is developed in the early years and builds progressively through school. Pupils apply this knowledge effectively to problem solving.
Pupils develop a deep understanding of important concepts and can make links between their learning. For example, key stage 2 pupils link their learning about democracy to a topic on the Romans. Learning is purposeful, which increases pupils' motivation.
For instance, in Year 4, pupils write a survival guide about the residential trip to share with Year 3 pupils.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge, which they use to explain information to pupils clearly. Learning is skilfully adapted to meet the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Staff use well-chosen resources to support these pupils to learn successfully. Staff carefully check what pupils know and remember, and they provide precise support to address any gaps in pupils' learning. This helps pupils to achieve well.
The school has placed a high priority on reading. A consistent and effective approach to phonics teaching helps pupils to develop their early reading skills. Teachers support pupils with SEND through additional activities and focused adult support.
Books are matched to pupils' reading levels, and they quickly build a love of reading. Reading is enjoyed throughout the school, for instance through daily reading sessions. Pupils experience a wide genre of texts and books that reflect the school's diverse community.
Library champions facilitate playtime reading sessions in the school library.
The school teaches pupils to understand and respect the faiths and beliefs of others. Pupils enjoy visits to places of worship.
Individual identity is encouraged and celebrated, and on 'Express Yourself' day, families gather to enjoy a cultural food and music festival. The school community is valued by pupils, who work well together and respect each other. Children receive a strong start in the early years.
They quickly learn routines and develop positive relationships with their peers.
Leaders know the pupils and their families well. The school provides a wealth of support to enhance pupils' school experience, both pastorally and academically.
The school encourages families to be part of pupils' learning journey. For example, family art sessions and workshops help parents and carers to understand what their children will learn. Leaders support families to overcome barriers that may affect attendance and punctuality.
Attendance is positive. Pupils want to be in school as they enjoy learning.
The exceptional wider enrichment offer enables pupils to develop and extend their interests and talents.
Pupils take part in art workshops and showcase their work. High numbers of pupils engage in music and sporting activities. Year 6 pupils enjoy learning the 'Life Skills' programme, which prepares them for secondary school and greater independence.
Teachers organise a wide range of trips and workshops to enhance understanding of the curriculum. For instance, Year 2 pupils develop their line drawing skills by visiting and drawing interesting structures, such as the London Eye.
Leaders and governors are ambitious to continually develop the school.
They accurately identify areas they want to improve further and provide precise professional development opportunities to facilitate this. As a result, staff have a secure understanding of the school's curriculum and pupils' needs. All staff strive to make a positive impact on pupils' development.
Staff are proud to work at the school. They value the supportive and collaborative environment.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.