Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School

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About Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School

Name Temple Ewell Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Angela Matthews
Address 3-4 Brookside, Temple Ewell, Dover, CT16 3DT
Phone Number 01304822665
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 145
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils at Temple Ewell Primary school thrive in bright and cheerful surroundings. This is a warm and welcoming community where leaders and staff want what is best for all pupils.

Pupils cherish the school's 'FAITH' values. For example, they know why it is important to forgive and accept others. They demonstrate these behaviours in their interactions with their peers.

Pupils inspire others through their artwork which is displayed with pride throughout the school.

Leaders have worked to develop an inclusive community where pupils understand the importance of diversity and difference. For instance, leaders have introduced learning about immigration, and the impa...ct and legacy of Windrush, to widen pupils' knowledge and help them understand their local context more deeply.

Pupils treat each other kindly and play happily together during social times. They behave well although older pupils can sometimes become distracted and forget to pay full attention in lessons.

Leaders work hard to make sure that all pupils are included in the school's extensive enrichment offer.

Pupils enjoy an exciting range of clubs, such as carnival, construction and knitting. Pupils often take an active role in running these clubs. The curriculum is greatly enhanced by interesting trips that are well matched to pupils' learning.

For example, a Year 3 visit to The Golden Hinde helped pupils to understand further what life was like in Tudor England.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have introduced a broad and inspiring curriculum. They have systematically mapped the order in which pupils learn key knowledge and concepts from Reception onwards.

Leaders have taken care to make learning relevant to pupils' lives and the area that they live in.

The curriculum is well planned so that pupils revisit learning, allowing staff to check for any gaps. Teachers skilfully question pupils and encourage them to make links between topics so that they can embed their knowledge further.

As a result, pupils learn deeply. They confidently apply previous learning to help them understand new topics. For example, pupils in Years 5 and 6 explain why restrictions placed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles are important in understanding the Battle of Britain.

Leaders have the same high ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with SEND are identified swiftly. Teachers adapt their plans appropriately so that these pupils are supported to learn well alongside their peers.

Reading is a key priority in the school and pupils learn to read very well. Older pupils develop the fluency and comprehension that they need for successful transition into secondary school. Some staff, who support the weakest readers in Reception with their phonics, do not yet have the expert training that they need.

Overall, however, children in the early years are well prepared to continue their phonics learning in Year 1.

Children in the early years are supported effectively to develop their skills and knowledge through play. Sometimes, however, staff do not always match learning activities in mathematics carefully enough to meet the needs of the children.

Adults provide sensitive emotional and physical care for children in Reception.

Pupils enjoy their learning and are keen to share their views and ideas during classroom discussions. Low-level disruption is uncommon and this is addressed quickly when it happens on most occasions.

Pupils come to school often and look forward to seeing their friends and teachers. Leaders are taking many steps to improve the attendance of persistently absent pupils. They know that there is always more work to be done to support the most vulnerable pupils to attend more often.

Pupils develop a strong understanding of British Values. For example, they learn about voting and democracy during 'parliament week'. They know it is important to care about others and develop social awareness by participating in the 'Walk with Amal' project.

Pupils learn about important issues such as 'keeping your hands to yourself' and online safety through the school's extensive personal development programme. The school's transition project has been a huge success in enabling Year 6 pupils to prepare for secondary school. They develop confidence in reading bus timetables and taking public transport, for example.

Leaders have focused sharply on improving weaknesses in the school since the last inspection. They have a clear vision that is fully shared by governors. The school benefits from much support and training from the trust.

Staff feel well supported and say that leaders consider their well-being and invest in their professional development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Since the last inspection, leaders have introduced new and robust systems to record and monitor safeguarding concerns effectively.

Leaders have ensured that all staff are well trained to identify and refer pupils that they are worried about. Leaders seek support and advice from outside agencies swiftly so that pupils and their families get the important help that they need. Systems are in place so that leaders regularly check on the well-being of pupils who are persistently absent.

Leaders make the necessary checks to confirm that all new staff and volunteers are safe to work in the school.

Pupils feel very safe in school and know that there are many staff that they can talk to if they are worried.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders have not yet ensured that staff have the specialist training that they need to help children in Reception, who are behind with their phonics, to catch up.

Leaders need to continue with their plans to train appropriate staff so that they have the necessary expertise to provide effective and targeted support to the weakest readers in the early years. ? Some pupils, who are more vulnerable, do not attend school as often as they should. Leaders should continue to adapt the methods and strategies that they already have in place, including working closely with children and their families, to increase attendance for these groups.

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