Temple Hill Primary Academy

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About Temple Hill Primary Academy

Name Temple Hill Primary Academy
Website http://www.temple-hill.kent.sch.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Executive Headteacher Mr Leon Dawson
Address St Edmund’s Road, Temple Hill, Dartford, DA1 5ND
Phone Number 01322224600
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 866
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Everyone is welcome at this friendly, inclusive school. Pupils from a wide range of backgrounds and cultures get along together well. They focus on what they have in common and are interested and respectful about each other's lives and beliefs.

Pupils have a keen sense of the importance of equality. The school is united and harmonious.

Pupils are expected to behave well.

Mostly they do this. Any pupils who need a little extra help to manage their emotions and behaviour are supported to be successful. The school is calm and purposeful.

Pupils move around the extensive space sensibly. Even the very youngest children follow well-established routines..../>
Pupils enjoy breaktimes.

They use the outside exercise equipment enthusiastically and join in with games that staff organise. Pupils trust in adults to help them resolve any problems. They are safe and happy.

Pupils value the education they receive and enjoy their learning. Staff make it fun and interesting. Pupils aspire to do well and understand the importance of not giving up if things are difficult.

They are keen to overcome challenges. These positive attitudes, alongside the school's high expectations set for learning, are helping pupils to increasingly achieve well. They are ready for the next stages of their education.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school serves and supports pupils and their families well. For example, parents and carers of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) rightly say that the school does all that it can to help their children to be happy and successful.

Staff across the school are united in their determination that all pupils will be successful learners.

The school has made sure that the knowledge that pupils learn is sequenced from early years to Year 6. Careful attention has been given to create a curriculum that excites pupils and reflects the diversity of the school population. Any gaps in pupils' knowledge as a result of missed learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are addressed.

These key actions pull together to ensure that pupils progress well through the curriculum.

Outcomes across the school are rising but some pupils still struggle to write as well as they should for their ages. The school is rightly focused on developing pupils' writing skills.

A project to build pupils' vocabulary that in turn supports their writing is helping with this. However, pupils do not always have a wide range of opportunities to write across the curriculum for different purposes.

Often children start school in the early years knowing some words or lacking confidence in speaking.

Staff know that this is an important area to develop. They take every opportunity to encourage children to learn and use new words or to ask and answer questions. Sharing books and stories is a much enjoyed part of the day for all pupils.

This is particularly so for the youngest children whose learning is connected to key books.These include some firm favourites. Tigers coming to tea and going hunting for bears bring language to life for children.

The school prioritises ensuring all pupils learn to read as soon as they start. Staff teach phonics well. Their skill and expertise make a real and positive difference to pupils' learning of sounds.

Staff are quick to note anyone who needs extra support and just as quick to put the right help in place. Pupils practise what they learn by reading books that are well matched to their needs. Pupils build confidence and skill as a reader.

Pupils with SEND have their needs identified quickly. Teachers make appropriate adaptations so that pupils with SEND learn successfully. For example, in computing a range of different programs are used to support pupils with coding.

Teachers regularly check what all pupils know and remember. They identify and address any confusion or knowledge gaps.

The new behaviour policy inspires pupils to behave well.

They are motivated by the points and rewards they earn for demonstrating the school's values. Pupils have noticed how behaviour has improved. This is reflected in the school's own records.

Pupils' attendance is also improving. The school works closely with parents to identify and address any barriers to pupils coming to school regularly.

Pupils benefit from a wide range of opportunities in addition to the personal development curriculum provision.

For example, all pupils enjoy a visit to London. Visitors from a range of professions inspire pupils to think about future careers. Pupils are involved in the local community through activities to raise money for charity or to improve the local environment.

The trust works closely and effectively with local governors. Staff feel involved and considered in important decisions. This helps to ensure that improvements are appropriate and considerate of their workload.

Everyone is committed to ensuring that Temple Hill Primary Academy continues to strive for the very best for its pupils. This thoughtful and harmonious work ensures that pupils are independent individuals ready to face the learning and the world ahead of them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Opportunities for pupils to write across the curriculum are underdeveloped. This hinders the development of their writing skills. The school should ensure that pupils have opportunities to apply their writing skills across the curriculum for a range of different purposes and audiences.

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