Tenbury CofE Primary School

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About Tenbury CofE Primary School

Name Tenbury CofE Primary School
Website http://www.tenburyceprimary.co.uk
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Kerri Phelps
Address Bromyard Road, Tenbury Wells, WR15 8BS
Phone Number 01584810234
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 2-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 232
Local Authority Worcestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Tenbury CofE Primary is a warm and welcoming school which fully lives out its mission statement: 'encourage one another and build each other up'. This means pupils are very well supported and they are very happy at the school. One pupil, typical of many, stated to an inspector, 'Tenbury Primary is a great place filled with happiness and learning.'

Pupils achieve well at the school as every child is known by the staff, and they are supported as individuals.

Pupils invariably behave very well at the school as leaders have fully embedded their expectations. In addition, older pupils willingly take on roles to support younger pupils.

In this, they model the scho...ol's ethos fully. Pupils know that if they have a concern, they can speak to an adult who will help them to resolve things.

Pupils speak very highly of the outstanding range of trips, visits and clubs that the school offers.

They are very proud of their large choir which has recently performed at regional shows. They also enjoy sports such as ultimate frisbee and the girls' and boys' football clubs. Recent trips have included residentials and visits to local historical sites.

These visits help bring the pupils' learning to life, and they speak warmly about them.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has worked consistently to review its curriculum. It has taken advice from the trust and also external expertise to support this work.

There is a broadly consistent approach across the subjects that pupils learn. Leaders have ensured that key knowledge is clearly identified, and teachers select appropriate activities to build on what pupils already know. Assessment is used well to spot gaps in pupils' learning which are then addressed.

Leaders have plans in place to develop pupils' extended writing which they are rolling out.

There is effective provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities across the school. This is because leaders ensure they have a secure grasp of pupils' needs which are accurately identified.

The school liaises effectively with parents and external agencies when working with these pupils. Teachers use the information they are given to adapt the curriculum appropriately. As a result, these pupils make good progress.

Throughout the school, reading is prioritised to ensure all pupils become fluent readers. The school has reflected on its phonics programme and has introduced extra sessions to consolidate key learning, including providing extra support for pupils who need it. The programme gives pupils a strong grounding, and their subsequent learning is enriched by a wide range of core texts throughout the school's curriculum.

The school has reviewed its curriculum for the children in the early years setting to ensure continuity between the Nursery and Reception. Pupils benefit from a supportive learning environment with a strong focus on communication and language as they start school. Adults are well trained to support the children and enrich their interactions.

Given the strengths in the provision, children achieve well and so make a strong start to key stage 1.

Pupils invariably behave with high levels of maturity and consideration both at social times and in class. This is because they understand the school's expectations for behaviour and they take pride in ensuring they meet them.

The school takes considered and effective action for the very few pupils who might find it harder to meet these expectations.

The school carefully considers pupils' attendance information to ensure that patterns of absence are understood and tackled appropriately. Individual families are supported to remove barriers to their children attending school.

The impact of the school's work to improve pupils' attendance is clear, although there remain some more vulnerable pupils who still do not attend as regularly as they should.

Pupils' personal development is a significant strength of the provision at Tenbury CofE Primary. Leaders have designed a considered curriculum which clearly identifies the key knowledge that the pupils need.

This includes the study of other religions, visits to places of worship and thoughtful engagement with more challenging questions. This curriculum is reviewed regularly to ensure it is of high quality throughout. There are a wide range of opportunities offered by the school which leaders monitor closely to ensure all pupils, especially the more vulnerable, take advantage.

Pupils speak very highly of the positions of leadership they hold in the school and the positive impact they have, for example on the school environment. Pupils are very clear on the importance of democracy and the role all pupils play in improving the school.

Leaders at all levels understand the school's vision and how best to achieve it.

This means their analysis is incisive, and appropriate actions are taken to make improvements. Staff at all levels report high levels of satisfaction with how the school engages with them and how they benefit from opportunities for professional development through the school and trust. Those responsible for governance are committed to the school's success and are well informed, including in relation to their statutory responsibilities.

They work effectively to support and challenge leaders. The trust's support for the school is strong in ensuring the school's many strengths are enhanced, and all staff benefit from collaborative work with other schools.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• There remain too many disadvantaged pupils who are absent from school too often. This means these pupils miss too much school and learning. The school should continue to work closely with parents and external agencies to instil the importance of regular attendance for these pupils.

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