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Tenbury High Ormiston Academy is an inclusive school at the heart of its community. Relationships between staff and pupils are warm.
Leaders and staff want the best for all their pupils and convey this through their positive interactions, both around the school and in lessons. Pupils respond by treating each other well and aiming high. Leaders, staff and pupils are all rightly proud of their school and of all the improvements that they have made together over the past few terms.
Across the school, behaviour is calm and pleasant. Pupils move around sensibly, following the one-way system and being aware of each other. They co-operate with the rules, for example handing ...in their phones for the day so they can concentrate on school.
In lessons, pupils focus on their work and are interested and engaged.
The school's ambition for its pupils is evident throughout its work. Pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn well in lessons.
All have the opportunity to take part in a variety of interesting activities, including archery, basketball and role play. The school is highly successful in ensuring that pupils secure further education, training or work at the end of Year 11.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
This school has undergone a period of significant and impressive change.
The principal, very well supported by the leadership team, staff, governors and trust, has created a well-run school that pupils want to attend. All are ambitious for pupils to achieve the very best that they can in all areas of school life. Examination results have not been strong recently, but the new curriculum and approaches to teaching are having a positive impact on pupils' progress.
Leaders have designed a curriculum that ensures that all pupils, including those with SEND, study a broad range of subjects throughout their time at school. Much curriculum planning sets out clearly and logically the knowledge that pupils must learn. This allows teachers to know what to teach and when to teach it.
However, this is not yet fully consistent across subjects.
Teachers have good subject knowledge, and their explanations are clear and engaging. During lessons, teachers systematically check pupils' understanding and identify any who are stuck.
They use this information to give pupils swift and effective support. This helps to build pupils' confidence and ensures that an increasing number of pupils are learning the curriculum well.
Leaders place a strong emphasis on reading.
They quickly identify pupils who need additional assistance. Skilled staff then provide them with effective support. As a result, these pupils are becoming more assured and fluent readers.
Additionally, the school pays serious attention to promoting reading across all subjects. For example, teachers thoughtfully introduce new subject-specific vocabulary in lessons and take time to help pupils understand the meaning of new words.The school carefully identifies pupils who may have SEND.
Once identified, their needs are thoroughly assessed. Recent changes have ensured that pupils are viewed more holistically, for example pastoral leaders and the SEND team are working more closely together. As a result, pupils are receiving a range of carefully tailored interventions, including to improve their reading, regulate their behaviour, or interact more confidently with their peers.
Support for them in class is well-focused.
The school has worked hard to improve behaviour, with a great deal of success. Careful analysis of behaviour data helps leaders to know what changes might be needed.
Pupils receive additional support to meet the school's expectations if they need it. Many pupils attend very well. Recent attendance initiatives, such as the 'twelve days of Christmas' have proved successful.
Those with very low attendance are given careful attention. However, some pupils miss too many odd days of school, which interrupts their learning.
The school's careers offer is a strength.
All pupils learn from employers about future destinations, including employment opportunities. This is being achieved through a range of purposeful activities including visits from employers and local colleges, as well as work experience. This mean that pupils are well informed about their next steps.
Many have a clear idea of the career path they want to pursue.
The personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education curriculum is carefully structured to enable pupils to build their knowledge of important topics over time. Pupils can confidently explain what they have learnt about subjects such as staying safe online, consent and exploitation.
Pupils are aware of individual differences and the law around protected characteristics. They learn about different cultures and many have opportunities to visit different areas. However, not all pupils take part in these, which means that some do not experience places that are different to their local community in preparation for life beyond school.
Staff appreciate the support and good quality professional development that they receive both from school and trust leaders. Local governors and trustees have supported and challenged the school very effectively through this time of rapid improvement and are dedicated to continuing to do so.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• In a few subjects, the precise knowledge that pupils need to learn is not fully defined in curriculum planning. As a result, teachers are not always as clear as they might be about what they need to teach and when, to ensure that pupils are successful. The school should refine curriculum planning where needed so that it clearly defines the most important knowledge that pupils need to know and ensure that teachers are confident in delivering what is intended.
• The school's analysis of attendance information does not include patterns and trends, for example related to days of the week or year groups. This limits leaders' ability to target their actions precisely. The school should refine their analysis so that they can ensure that pupils, including those who have small amounts of sporadic non-attendance, are given the right support and challenge to attend well.
• Leaders ensure that pupils have a broad range of opportunities during their time at the school. However, some pupils do not have as broad an experience as they might of places that are different to their local community. The school should consider how this aspect of its work could be extended in order to further broaden pupils' cultural development.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.