Tennyson Road Primary School

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About Tennyson Road Primary School

Name Tennyson Road Primary School
Website http://www.tennysonroad.school
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Carla Gotch
Address Tennyson Road, Luton, LU1 3RS
Phone Number 01582723230
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 744
Local Authority Luton
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils thrive at this inspirational school. They progress exceptionally well from their starting points.

This includes pupils who arrive at different points in the school year or pupils who speak English as an additional language. By Year 6, most pupils perform strongly in national assessments and in other subjects. Many achieve at the highest standard.

This is due to staff's unwavering determination that every pupil will succeed no matter what.

From the outset, pupils are taught how to be ready to learn. Staff use creative ways to help them settle.

Older pupils act as 'monitors' to ensure their peers conform to high behaviour expectations. Pupils de...velop a strong sense of community through 'family dining' at lunchtimes. Relationships are deeply respectful.

Pupils listen well in lessons. School is calm and orderly while still allowing pupils' personalities to shine through.

There are many wider opportunities for pupils to gain experiences that they may not otherwise get.

This includes additional swimming lessons, learning to ride a bike, horse riding and boxing lessons.

Pupils enjoy being part of a diverse school. Older pupils act as 'agents for change' and stand up to discrimination.

Their voice is heard in the school council, in assemblies, as 'rights respecting' ambassadors and as 'active champions'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Pupils excel at this school. The ambitious curriculum is taught consistently well across all year groups at both school sites.

Teachers know exactly what to teach, how to best teach it and when to teach it. The trust expertly supports staff to teach the curriculum to the expected standard. The curriculum helps pupils to deepen their understanding and broadens their horizons.

Educational trips and applying learning to real-life contexts ensure knowledge is firmly secured in pupils' memory.

The high-quality work pupils complete reflects the depth of their understanding. Pupils' work is well presented, reflecting the care they take with their learning.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are skilfully supported to demonstrate what they can remember. Pupils are articulate and explain their learning in depth. Teachers make regular checks on how securely pupils can recall knowledge.

Pupils act on the specific feedback given to them. Across the school, there is a meticulous approach to detecting and filling gaps in pupils' knowledge.

Reading is central to the curriculum.

From teaching the sounds letters make to developing fluency and comprehension, all pupils achieve very well. There is a constant diet of high-quality reading material. As a result, pupils know and use a range of ambitious vocabulary.

Pupils, including those who are in the early stages of learning English or who have limited exposure to reading outside of school, enjoy a range of literary styles. Younger pupils read books that help them practise the sounds they know. Anyone struggling with their reading receives effective support.

Older pupils maturely critique and evaluate the diverse range of books they have read.

Pupils with SEND access the full curriculum successfully. Work is adapted well so that they develop independence and self-belief.

Those with the most complex needs have provision that is meticulously tailored to their requirements. The school is innovative in ensuring early intervention is put in place. It has robust systems in place to check how well pupils with SEND are achieving their specific targets.

In Reception, children secure the knowledge they need for Year 1. They understand early mathematical concepts. Children learn to read straightaway and apply their phonics knowledge to develop early writing.

They sustain concentration and take turns. Routines are followed very well, including at tidy-up time. Staff carefully choose learning opportunities that are meaningful.

These link specifically to what children need to do to improve.

Pupils have an unwaveringly positive attitude to learning. They are keen to contribute to wider school life.

Pupils with complex needs learn effective strategies to self-regulate independently. Pupils persevere if learning is tricky at first. Pupils are confident that bullying is very rare.

Any form of discrimination is not tolerated by them or staff.

The school is aspirational for pupils' personal development. Leaders take care to think about the cultural and social experiences they want pupils to have.

Pupils access individualised pastoral support that improves their emotional well-being. Pupils take an active role in school and community life. They become involved in social change through international projects to promote equality and children's rights.

Trustees and governors have successfully steered the school through its rapid growth. They have ensured that high standards have been maintained. They use their expertise to hold leaders to account and ensure effective use of resources.

Staff value the investment in their development and the impact this has on their practice and well-being. The vast majority of parents are very positive about the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Also at this postcode
Kidz Zone Club - Tennyson Road

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