Thames Ditton Infant School

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About Thames Ditton Infant School

Name Thames Ditton Infant School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Elspeth Leach
Address Speer Road, Thames Ditton, KT7 0PW
Phone Number 02083985842
Phase Primary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 5-7
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 234
Local Authority Surrey
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Thames Ditton Infant School is a vibrant, welcoming and ambitious place. Pupils feel happy and safe because of the caring culture of the school community.

Pupils enjoy coming to school and look forward to learning new things. They respect their teachers and like to be with their friends. Pupils are bright, lively and eager to please.

Leaders set high expectations for pupils' learning and behaviour, and pupils rise to the challenge. They know that staff expect them to be polite and always try their best. Pupils are kind to each other and are proud of how friendly their school is.

Pupils behave well in lessons and concentrate on their learning. Pupils say that ...bullying is not an issue. If bullying occurs, staff respond to concerns quickly and effectively.

Pupils really enjoy playing together in the beautiful school grounds, with many activities to choose from. There are a range of activities for pupils to develop their interests and talents, which they appreciate. There is a range of lunchtime and after-school clubs such as art, French, football and choir.

Parents are overwhelmingly positive about this school. For example, they appreciate the inclusive approach and treating pupils as individuals. Everyone works together to enable all pupils to thrive and feel that they belong.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum and continue to refine their offer, beyond English, mathematics and science. Leaders have identified the essential knowledge and skills that all pupils should learn and remember. In mathematics, teachers carefully check and make sure all pupils, including those in the early years, learn the important concepts well.

Pupils confidently use and apply their knowledge of number to solve problems and can explain their reasoning.

Teachers plan work that pupils often find interesting and demanding. In most subjects, lessons clearly build on prior learning.

Pupils remember what they have been taught and use this to help them learn new things. However, in some subjects, such as music and computing, this is not yet the case. This is because leaders and teachers do not use assessment consistently or well enough.

For example, assessment is not used to help pupils use knowledge fluently, check for understanding or inform future teaching. Leaders are aware and have plans to address this.

Leaders are ambitious for all pupils, especially those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Pupils' additional needs are swiftly identified. Appropriate and effective support helps these pupils develop important knowledge and skills with increasing fluency. As a result, they are able to learn alongside their peers.

The teaching of reading is effective. Leaders have recently strengthened their offer with a new phonics programme and high-quality training for all staff. Teachers follow the phonics programme meticulously.

They make sure that pupils purposefully practise their skills by reading books that closely match the sounds they have learned. Leaders have ensured that pupils who need extra help receive the support and practice they need to build their knowledge and fluency.

Children in the Reception classes settle quickly into the routines and get off to a secure start in their reading.

They develop their language and communication skills quickly. Modelling and astute questioning from teachers help develop vocabulary, check for understanding and inspire curiosity. As a result, children develop knowledge and confidence to build future learning on.

Pupils behave well. Leaders have ensured that all staff have high expectations and a positive approach to managing behaviour. Systems for rewarding, celebrating and challenging pupils are applied consistently across the school.

Pupils are well motivated and show positive attitudes to their learning. They know how to learn, are resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements. From Reception, children learn how their behaviour can affect others and also how to manage their emotions.

Leaders prioritise pupils' personal development. Pupils know why it is important to listen and show respect to others. Leaders offer a wide range of opportunities to foster pupils' interests and enhance the curriculum.

For example, children in Reception took an exciting school-based 'trip' to France, including visiting a café and an art gallery. Pupils in Year 2 enjoyed a space workshop with virtual reality headsets to deepen their experience and understanding. Pupils are encouraged to be good citizens and are taught carefully about difference and diversity.

Governors are knowledgeable and skilled. They work effectively alongside leaders to develop strategic plans and rigorously check these are working as intended. Governors offer useful support to help leaders achieve their ambitious goals.

They have an accurate view of the schools' strengths, areas for improvement and future priorities. Staff are very proud to be part of the team. They appreciate and value that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Systems for checking understanding of safeguarding following staff training are rigorous. Staff know how to identify immediate concerns and the small changes in behaviour that indicate something might be wrong.

Staff use the agreed reporting systems well, providing leaders with the right information to support families quickly.

Leaders ensure that all employment checks are robust and clear. Staff know their pupils and families very well.

Leaders have good relationships and work effectively with health and social care professionals.Teachers prioritise helping pupils understand risk. As a result, pupils have a secure knowledge of how to keep themselves safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Assessment in some foundation subjects is not yet consistently in place. As a result, teaching is not always informed by what pupils demonstrate they know securely. Teachers should collect assessment information that matches the new curriculum plans and use it consistently to help pupils understand what they need to do to improve.

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