Thames Park Secondary School

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About Thames Park Secondary School

Name Thames Park Secondary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Sam Dyer
Address Chadwell Road, Grays, RM17 5FP
Phone Number 01375470790
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 566
Local Authority Thurrock
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are proud of their school. They speak about their ambitions and achievements enthusiastically and articulately.

Pupils value school and maintain regular attendance. In lessons, they show commitment to learning and work hard. Pupils support each other well in lessons and often bring the best out of each other.

When they find something difficult to learn, pupils seek help from staff during study groups at lunchtime and after school.

The positive ethos at the school is valued and pupils contribute towards this in the way they behave and the way in which they take on positions of leadership. Pupils particularly value the many clubs available.

They... capably take responsibility to lead clubs for others. They also enjoy extending new interests further. For example, many pupils have been inspired by the clubs to choose to learn to play musical instruments more formally.

Pupils share positive relationships with each other and staff. Pupils feel safe and are safe at school. They say that bullying is uncommon.

When bullying does occur, teachers deal with it effectively and it stops. When pupils experience social, emotional or mental health difficulties, they receive effective support. This includes spending time with the well-loved school dog, 'Custard'.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Since the school opened in September 2020, leaders' planned curriculum has enabled pupils to learn and achieve well as the school grows. The curriculum is ordered sensibly to help pupils build what they know in appropriate steps. Leaders have provided enough guidance for teachers to plan and deliver effective learning activities.

Supported by trust leaders, school leaders have anticipated and delivered effectively the training staff need as new subjects and key stages are added to the school.

Leaders know the importance of ensuring pupils can read fluently to access the rest of the curriculum successfully. Throughout the school, leaders encourage a love of reading.

This contributes to pupils' enthusiasm and enjoyment when reading a wide range of texts. Furthermore, it helps ensure pupils are able to apply their reading skills effectively, to achieve well in all areas of the curriculum.

Staff teach effectively so that pupils remember most of what leaders expect them to.

They check what pupils have learned effectively. When gaps in learning are evident, staff provide helpful support so that pupils do not fall behind. When the school was opened, leaders' approach to supporting pupils at the earliest stages of reading did not work as well as intended.

Recently, leaders introduced different approaches that are starting to have a positive impact.

Leaders accurately identify the needs of pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They provide useful guidance for staff to support pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs.

Staff follow this guidance so that these pupils overcome the social and emotional challenges they face. However, leaders' guidance for other pupils' needs is not always useful for staff to plan effective learning activities. When this happens, teaching is not as effective, so some pupils with SEND do not learn as well as they could.

During a time of rapid change and growth, leaders have created a positive learning atmosphere at the school. Pupils concentrate and behave well in lessons. During social times, pupils conduct themselves maturely.

Staff understand and use the agreed behaviour policy consistently.

Leaders provide lots of opportunities for pupils to enrich their understanding of the curriculum, themselves and the wider world. Staff enable pupils to consider and discuss the personal issues faced in adult life, including relationships and sexuality.

Leaders have carefully chosen visits to places of local, national and international interest to support pupils to deepen their understanding of what they have learned in all subjects.

Leaders have effective careers provision in place. Pupils have many opportunities to explore the wide range of careers and options for their next steps in education, employment and training.

Leaders have ensured that the school meets the requirements of the Baker Clause.

Trust and school leaders have put training in place that is helping newer leaders develop their skills to lead larger areas of responsibility. Sometimes leaders' communication with staff and parents is underdeveloped.

For example, staff do not always know where they can access the most relevant and accurate information related to pupils' needs. A significant minority of parents do not feel that leaders communicate effectively with them, especially when they have concerns.

Trustees and governors have an accurate understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the school.

They challenge leaders on the occasions when leaders do not reach trustees' and governors' high expectations.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have trained staff well in safeguarding.

They are vigilant to the signs of potential harm. When concerns arise, staff act swiftly and appropriately. Detailed records are maintained and leaders work well with external agencies so that vulnerable pupils receive the help they need.

Leaders make sure that background checks are carried out to determine the suitability of adults working at the school.

The curriculum content ensures pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe both in and out of school. This includes when accessing the internet.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders do not routinely provide staff with the guidance they need to support pupils with SEND. This leads to staff not supporting some pupils well enough to make the progress they could. Leaders must ensure that staff have the information they need to plan effective learning opportunities for all identified SEND needs, ensuring all pupils with SEND achieve well.

• Leaders have not always clearly communicated the key information for staff and parents. As a result, staff and parents have been uncertain, and on occasions have concerns, about important aspects of the school. Leaders must clearly provide the information that staff and parents need so that they are well informed and fully understand the work of the leaders to develop and improve the school.

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