Thameside Primary School

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About Thameside Primary School

Name Thameside Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Laura Youngman
Address Cotman Close, Abingdon, OX14 5NL
Phone Number 01235527600
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 189
Local Authority Oxfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are at the heart of this happy and nurturing school. All staff provide a supportive and caring environment where pupils feel safe. Parents and carers value this support for their children.

Pupils are proud to attend this school. They are friendly, welcoming and courteous. Some pupils told an inspector that they particularly appreciate and value their teachers.

They believe teachers keep them safe and help them to learn new things.

Leaders have high expectations for pupils' behaviour and attitudes towards learning. Consequently, pupils behave well and work hard.

Bullying is not tolerated. Staff deal with any bullying incidents swiftly. The well...-ordered learning environment celebrates pupils' achievements.

At breaktimes, pupils play well together. They enjoy using the adventure playground, playing sports and spending time with their classmates. Pupils really appreciate the playground games organised by the pupil play leaders.

In particular, they enjoy playing games using a large parachute, which the play leaders manage with great confidence.

Parents are supportive of the school. A typical comment was: 'Thameside has gone from strength to strength over the past year and my children have thrived at this school.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have rightly prioritised reading across the school. Children learn phonics right from the start of Nursery using a well-structured programme. Pupils who struggle with reading receive the help that they need swiftly.

They receive additional support from well-trained adults. This develops their confidence and increases their fluency in reading. There are many opportunities to develop pupils' love of reading.

This begins in the early years, where children enjoy reading and sharing books. Pupils also enjoy events such as World Book Day and having authors visit the school. Leaders support parents well to help their children read at home.

The curriculum builds pupils' knowledge and skills over time. Leaders have recently reviewed it and made well-considered changes. The curriculum is sequenced effectively, identifying small steps to support pupils' learning.

In some subjects, where changes have been made more recently, the curriculum is not fully embedded. In these subjects, pupils currently do not remember their learning as well as they do in stronger subjects.

Leaders ensure that teaching engages and motivates pupils.

For example, in design technology lessons, teachers use practical activities to help develop pupils' understanding of how to design, build and test structures. This deepens their understanding about why some structures are more robust than others. In the early years, well-planned activities enable children to learn about the world around them.

Adults skilfully develop children's vocabulary as they join in activities. Throughout the school, teachers assess pupils' understanding throughout lessons to clarify misconceptions. If a pupil is at risk of falling behind, they receive well-chosen support to help them to catch up.

Children get off to a good start in the early years. For example, in mathematics, well-planned activities help secure children's understanding of numbers. This includes children carefully using equipment to count and learn about one more or one less.

Teachers use skilful questioning to check children's knowledge and misconceptions across the curriculum.

Staff have high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders identify pupils with SEND quickly.

Teachers carefully adjust the curriculum where needed. This helps pupils to access the same learning as their peers. Staff provide well-planned support that is subtle, but effective.

Children learn about respectfulness, kindness and sharing when they join the early years. Teachers support pupils throughout the school to become responsible citizens. Pupils show compassion towards others and support charities, including a local food bank.

They enjoy working with community organisations as part of the academy's character and citizenship awards programme.

Pupils have many opportunities to take on responsibilities around the school. These include librarians, play leaders and pupil mentors.

Through the curriculum, pupils learn about a wide range of perspectives and cultures. Pupils understand British values such as democracy through the work of the school parliament. All pupils learn about keeping healthy and the importance of physical exercise.

They are encouraged to cycle to school or use their scooter. Pupils also appreciate and enjoy attending a wide range of school clubs, including art, multi-skills and pop choir. They learn new skills through developing their own interests and talents.

The school's senior leaders have a relentless drive to ensure that pupils have the best possible start in life. Leaders from the multi-academy trust provide well-chosen support and challenge. Staff are positive about the support they receive from all leaders to do their jobs well.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of vigilance in the school to keep pupils safe. Leaders and staff know pupils and their parents well.

Referrals to outside agencies are made swiftly. The designated safeguarding leader and family support workers provide timely support for families. Staff report all concerns they may have about pupils, however minor.

Leaders check carefully that adults are suitable to work with children. Staff undertake regular training, which helps ensure that they are informed about how to keep pupils safe. Pupils have many opportunities within the curriculum to learn about keeping themselves safe, including when online.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, more recent curriculum developments have not yet had time to embed. Consequently, in these subjects, pupils do not achieve as well as they could. Leaders should ensure that the curriculum development work continues so that all subjects are implemented and embedded to the same high quality.

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