Thanet Primary School

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About Thanet Primary School

Name Thanet Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Acting Headteacher Mrs Jo Machon
Address Tedworth Road, Bilton Grange, Hull, HU9 4AY
Phone Number 01482796193
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 3-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 428
Local Authority Kingston upon Hull, City of
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

The school's core values of respect, honesty, friendship, kindness and responsibility run throughout the school. These values create a welcoming and friendly school. Pupils treat one another with respect and care.

They are kind and helpful to each other. Some pupils take on ambassador roles, taking care of their peers during breaktimes if they are lonely.

Staff and pupils have positive relationships.

Pupils feel safe and happy in school. Pupils turn to adults, especially members of the well-being team, if they feel upset or worried. They say that bullying and acts of unkindness are rare.

Parents and carers and ...those who responded to Ofsted Parent View, Ofsted's online survey, reported that their children feel safe at school. Many parents reported how approachable staff are. Senior leaders greet parents and their children each morning on the playground.

However, a small minority of parents are less positive. They expressed concerns about the effectiveness of communications with the school.

Teachers have high expectations of pupils.

Pupils are expected to behave well and do so. Pupils behave well during lessons and at breaktimes. Lessons flow smoothly because pupils try their best and display positive attitudes to learning.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Leaders and teachers across the school and the trust have redesigned the curriculum. They are in their second term of implementing the redesigned curriculum.

Leaders and teachers have mapped out the important knowledge that pupils will learn. They have ensured that it is sequenced logically from early years to Year 6. Pupils enjoy the curriculum.

Leaders have identified the knowledge that pupils require. Some curriculum plans beyond English and mathematics are not well embedded. This means that pupils do not build on their prior knowledge well.

For example, in history, pupils remember historical facts, but sometimes find it difficult to understand the chronological order of different historical periods. Some curriculum leaders are at an early stage of knowing how the curriculum is implemented from early years.

The English curriculum is well designed.

It helps to engage pupils in developing a love of reading with a range of high-quality texts. Reading books link well with different areas of the curriculum. Pupils say that reading helps them with writing and learning more in the wider curriculum.

Some pupils loved reading 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. This supported their learning about evacuations during the Second World War.

Leaders do all they can to encourage pupils to read widely and often.

Many pupils enjoy receiving books from the 'book shack' on the playground. Staff receive regular training so that they have the expertise to teach phonics. Teachers and other adults are quick to spot when pupils are not keeping up with the phonics curriculum.

Staff intervene with timely support to help pupils catch up.

Teachers support pupils' communication and language as soon as pupils join the school. As a result, pupils learn the early building blocks of language.

This supports them to decode words well when reading books.

The mathematics curriculum is a strength of the school. Leaders and teachers have prioritised improving pupils' mental arithmetic skills.

Pupils are developing speed and fluency when performing calculations mentally. Pupils apply their knowledge to reason and to solve mathematical problems well. Teachers check pupils' knowledge and understanding effectively.

They give direct feedback to pupils, which helps them to improve their learning.

The science curriculum has been well planned and sequenced. The science leader has worked with an external organisation to audit and improve the subject.

As a result, teachers feel confident when teaching science. Pupils are enthusiastic when discussing their learning in science.

Pupils with SEND are included well in the curriculum.

Teachers and other adults ensure that these pupils learn well alongside their classmates. Teachers make effective adaptions to the curriculum using a variety of resources. This ensures that pupils with SEND have the same opportunities as their peers.

Pupils with SEND participate well in school life. Many take on leadership opportunities and attend extra-curricular activities.

Leaders ensure that pupils' personal development is well catered for.

Leaders have designed a well-sequenced personal, social and health education curriculum. This helps pupils to discuss a wide range of issues. Pupils are taught about different religions and key events, including Black History Month.

This supports pupils to accept and appreciate diversity.

The trust and governors are ambitious for pupils. They have a strong vision for improvement.

They support and challenge leaders in equal measure. They ensure the continual improvement of the school. They ask searching questions of senior leaders and curriculum leaders.

Staff enjoy working at the school. They say that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being. 'The headteacher, deputy and assistant head work hard to ensure a work–life balance is still possible when implementing new developments in teaching, planning or assessment,' is a typical comment from staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have developed effective systems to make sure that pupils are safe. They ensure that pupils and their families get the help and support they need.

The well- being team provides timely support to families, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Its members provide a listening ear to parents for their emotional well-being. The police worked with some pupils to teach them about hazards and risks in the community.

Pupils know the importance of good behaviour in school and when playing outdoors. Pupils are taught well about the safe use of technology. Pupils know how to be safe when working online and they consider their own digital footprint.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Leaders are implementing and reviewing a newly developed curriculum for subjects other than English and mathematics. Some curriculum plans are not firmly embedded and have had insufficient time to enhance pupils' learning. Leaders should continue to support teachers to ensure that the revised curriculum is implemented well to build on pupils' prior learning and expand their knowledge base.

• Curriculum leaders work well together across the school and the trust to improve their subjects effectively as part of a redesigned curriculum. However, some curriculum leaders are at the early stages of knowing how well their subject is implemented, especially in early years. Curriculum leaders should work more closely with early years staff to build up their knowledge and strengthen curriculum links between early years and key stages 1 and 2.

• Most parents are happy and pleased with how the school teaches and cares for their children. However, a small minority of parents expressed concerns about communication and how their concerns are dealt with by the school. Leaders should explore further methods to communicate with parents and swiftly address any concerns that they may have.

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