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Parents and carers overwhelmingly agree that this a happy, caring and inclusive school in which pupils can learn. Staff and pupils live and breathe the school's community code, the '5Bs'.
Pupils say that they feel safe. They know exactly who to turn to if they have any worries or concerns.
Each pupil has a personalised 'hive of well-being'.
This hive contains five people they have selected to turn to in school if needed. Staff always ensure that every child is listened to and valued.
The aim of the school is for pupils to 'be all you can be, be yourself, be your best'.
This starts with staff teaching clear rules and routines. This has led to... a calm and purposeful environment.
Pupils behave exceptionally well.
They are fully engaged in their learning. Pupils agree that bullying does not happen at the school. They understand what bullying is and would report it to staff if it happened.
Pupils praise the school for being inclusive. They say that everybody is treated the same.
The school offers pupils a range of clubs to develop their talents, such as 'Hot Shots'.
Pupils understand the meaning of important British values. They are well prepared for life in modern Britain.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have redesigned the curriculum so that it is ambitious for all pupils.
They have ensured that each subject sets out what pupils should know, and when, from the early years to Year 6.
Curriculum leaders know their subjects well. They have worked collaboratively with colleagues in the trust and other professionals to develop their own skills.
However, in some subjects, teachers do not yet have enough depth of subject knowledge to confidently teach the full curriculum.
Teaching in many subjects is of high quality. Teachers present new ideas and concepts clearly.
This helps pupils to know and remember more. Lessons begin by revisiting what pupils already know. This is then connected to new knowledge, enabling pupils to develop secure skills.
Pupils use technical vocabulary related to specific subjects well. However, this is not yet fully consistent. Occasionally, teachers do not check pupils' work closely enough.
They do not always correct pupils' misconceptions.
Pupils read widely and have access to a broad range of books from many authors. They typically leave the school as confident readers.
Leaders have fostered a love of reading across the school. They have recently introduced a new phonics programme to ensure that there is a greater consistency in the teaching of reading. Children in the early years get off to a strong start in reading.
They read from books that closely match the sounds they know. Pupils quickly become fluent readers.
Leaders and staff are ambitious for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) to achieve as highly as possible.
Teachers adapt their teaching to ensure that pupils with SEND receive effective support. Everyone celebrates the success of pupils with SEND, for example by displaying and sharing pupils' high-quality artwork.
The popular 'wake up and shake up' club encourages pupils to be in school on time.
Staff foster close relationships with parents. As a result, pupils' attendance and punctuality have improved.
Leaders and staff promote pupils' personal and character development extremely well.
For example, pupils make a positive contribution to the wider community by raising money for local charities. Pupils vote for the house captains at the start of each year. The house captains help at events such as sports days.
This enables pupils to understand democracy and leadership. Pupils benefit from a range of rich experiences, such as visits to a zoo or a farm, or the National Space Centre. They are proud of the school's inclusive ethos.
It is clear that diversity is both valued and widely celebrated.
Leaders consider staff well-being and workload. They offer staff support when needed.
The well-being of all the school's staff is a priority. Leaders promote a culture of kindness and caring.
The trust, governors and staff are fully committed to their goal of delivering high-equality education to all pupils.
This can be seen in how pupils enjoy their learning and are eager to learn more.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders have established robust safeguarding procedures that are clear to all staff and used effectively.
Leaders make sure that staff training is kept up to date, and regular spot checks on staff knowledge in this area occur regularly. When leaders are made aware of any concerns, they act swiftly and appropriately. Leaders work proactively with external agencies and professionals to ensure that pupils' safety comes first.
Trustees and governors fulfil their safeguarding duties with diligence.
Pupils can list and talk about all of the nine protected characteristics. They know how to keep themselves safe online and understand local potential dangers.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Some teachers' subject knowledge is not yet consistently strong in all areas of the curriculum. This means that they are unable to teach the curriculum in its full depth. This occasionally hinders pupils' ability to know and remember more.
Leaders should ensure that staff have the sufficient level of subject knowledge to teach the depth and detail of each subject with skill and confidence. ? On occasion, some teachers do not use assessment effectively to identify and/or address pupils' misconceptions. This means that pupils do not receive consistently clear feedback on their work and may not retain essential knowledge as well as they should.
Leaders should ensure that all teachers use assessment accurately and consistently, so that pupils understand and remember long term what they have been taught.
How can I feedback my views?
You can use Ofsted Parent View to give Ofsted your opinion on your child's school, or to find out what other parents and carers think. We use information from Ofsted Parent View when deciding which schools to inspect, when to inspect them and as part of their inspection.
The Department for Education has further guidance on how to complain about a school.
Further information
You can search for published performance information about the school.
In the report, 'disadvantaged pupils' refers to those pupils who attract government pupil premium funding: pupils claiming free school meals at any point in the last six years and pupils in care or who left care through adoption or another formal route.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.