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This exceptional school strikes a balance of providing nurturing care and academic ambition to enable all pupils to achieve their very best.
From the moment pupils join, expert staff identify the specific help that pupils need to prepare them to lead fulfilling lives. Pupils enjoy a wide and varied curriculum that raises their aspirations and sets them on the right path. Pupils are enthusiastic in lessons, showing impressive levels of dedication to their work.
They rise consistently to the high expectations that staff have of them.
Warm, positive relationships between staff and pupils build on a secure foundation of mutual respect and care. Daily routines suc...h as lining up and walking calmly around the school are consistent and managed very well by staff.
The use of visual aids and symbols help pupils to understand expectations of them. Lessons are settled and orderly, meaning pupils can learn well.
Pupils show respect and kindness towards one and other.
They are immensely proud of the strong friendships that they make during their time in school. During social times, pupils enjoy an extensive range of exciting clubs such as basketball and film club. These clubs are fully accessible so that all pupils, including those with physical disabilities, participate.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff hold the highest expectations of what pupils will achieve during their time in school. The school's mission statement of 'together we can' underpins the ambitious and rewarding curriculum. The learning provided promotes independence and fosters a keenness to know and find out more.
The curriculum is matched to pupils' aspirations for the future. Course options such as horticulture, childcare and media build towards pupils achieving a range of suitable qualifications. This is enhanced by weekly college placements, a range of work experiences and informative careers guidance.
Pupils leave school very well prepared and ready to continue successfully to post-16 destinations.
When pupils join the school, staff gain as much information as they can from previous placements, alongside speaking to parents and carers. Staff work with clinical and therapy professionals to ensure pupils receive effective support.
Outcomes from pupils' education, health and care (EHC) plans are carefully broken down into smaller personalised targets. Pupils carry individual 'target cards', empowering them to take ownership of their own learning and behaviour. Pupils attend school very well because they do not want to miss out on learning.
The school prioritises helping pupils to communicate effectively. This starts with learning to read and write well. In every lesson, staff identify the specific vocabulary that pupils need to understand.
Using symbols and visual aids, pupils make secure connections between words and their meanings. Staff skilfully develop pupils' ability to write with meaning and purpose. Consequently, pupils eloquently debate their views and ideas.
Pupils read often, taking it in turns to act out the roles in the engaging stories they read. Those at the earlier stages of learning to read receive expert help. Staff have a shared 'common language' they use when helping pupils to read.
This ensures support is consistent, and consequently pupils read very well with competence and enjoyment.
The school is exemplary in its approach to make sure disadvantaged pupils have access to the same enrichment opportunities as their peers. Staff work with families to ensure these pupils have the tools and resources they need to thrive.
If needed, staff help parents establish routines in the home. Parents are appreciative of this home-school partnership.
Meticulous plans for pupils' holistic development compliment the highly effective academic curriculum.
Offsite trips to learn to ride a bike or swim are used to further practice important life skills. Residential trips are planned in partnership with parents so that pupils are confident to stay away from home. Trips to London theatres and visits from local authors and poets inspire and enrich pupils' development.
Parents and pupils speak of the exceptional quality of these opportunities.
Staff know exactly what is expected of them and receive extensive training and support. They are enormously proud of the school and its pupils.
Trustees and governors understand their roles and execute them exceptionally well. They maintain a clear strategic vision which translates into the school providing an outstanding educational provision.