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Pupils and students at Adeyfield enjoy being part of a close-knit school community.
They are well known and well cared for by staff. Expectations for behaviour, courtesy and personal presentation are high. These are both modelled and applied consistently by staff.
Typically, pupils behave sensibly around the school, showing respect to each other and adults. Pupils say that when disagreements happen or when any bullying is made known, it is dealt with swiftly and effectively. This view is supported by the school's records.
All pupils have a named trusted adult who they can turn to for help, guidance and support. This helps pupils feel and stay safe.
I...n lessons, pupils benefit from consistent routines and knowledgeable teaching.
Standards of work are improving, including in the sixth form where students benefit immensely from being taught in very small groups. Trust and school leaders are ambitious and have raised expectations for what pupils can achieve. Successes are celebrated frequently.
Pupils' character and resilience are developed very well. Assemblies and form tutor time are used effectively to promote understanding of important issues around personal development. Pupils and students learn to believe in themselves and respect other people's views, beliefs and lifestyles.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Across all subjects, curriculum plans match national expectations for what pupils should learn. These are constructed in a logical order, setting out exactly what should be taught and when. Throughout Years 7 to 9, pupils follow a broad and balanced programme which includes all national curriculum subjects.
Numbers choosing to study languages in Years 10 and 11 have increased significantly, as they have in subjects such as history and geography. This is, in turn, leading to more pupils considering academic options in the sixth form.
In practice, the work given to pupils faithfully matches what is planned.
Work is adapted to ensure that those with special educational needs and/or disabilities can access and participate in learning activities. Individual needs are clearly identified, and detailed information is shared with teachers. Staff promote the importance of reading.
Effective support is given to those who struggle to read fluently. This is also helping to improve access to learning.
Common lesson and assessment routines are followed throughout the school.
These have helped establish clear expectations for staff and pupils. Pupils' conceptual understanding and vocabulary knowledge are checked regularly. In some instances, more emphasis and praise are given to pupils' completion of activities than to the quality of their responses.
This means that pupils do not always realise when and how their work could be improved. Overall, though, significant changes to the curriculum and work seen across pupils' books mean that they are making improved progress. This includes in English and mathematics, and in the sixth form.
School improvement plans rightly target the small number of areas where changes are slower, most notably in science.
Working relationships in classrooms are strong, characterised by mutual respect between teachers and pupils. Very few lessons are interrupted by misbehaviour so the focus remains on learning.
Any misbehaviour is dealt with appropriately. Attendance has improved over the past year, as has persistent absence. Leaders and governors are, correctly, seeking further improvements, particularly with the remaining pupils and students who miss more than one in every ten days of school.
An increasing range of extra-curricular activities is on offer. These include sport, the arts and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme. Much work has been done on character development, rightly earning the school external recognition.
The fruits of this work can be seen not only in pupils' behaviour but also in their increasing confidence and articulation when speaking. Teachers and leaders are mindful of mental health issues and are supportive of pupils and families who require help. Equity, diversity and inclusion are also woven securely into the school's ethos.
Pupils understand important personal issues including consent. Sixth-form students learn about important personal, social and health issues in an age-related context. They also thrive on the additional autonomy and responsibility offered.
Pupils, staff and parents rightly recognise the enthusiasm and determination of school leaders. The strategic direction provided by knowledgeable and experienced local governors and trustees has also played a significant part in the school's development. Staff are equally committed and, while working hard, appreciate leaders' consideration of their workload and well-being.
Numbers of pupils applying to join Adeyfield have risen dramatically. Over four years, important deep-rooted routines and expectations have been firmly established. Nevertheless, leaders are very clear that the journey has not ended and that even more is to be done.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
All necessary checks are made on adults working at the school. Appropriate action is taken and records are kept about any concerns, including where referrals are made to outside agencies or safeguarding partners.
Governors and trustees actively monitor through their meetings and through visiting the school.
Safeguarding information, including the names of responsible officers, is effectively communicated to pupils, staff, parents and visitors. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe online and in real life.
Staff demonstrate accurate understanding of how and when to make referrals when they have concerns. They undertake regular training to keep their knowledge up to date.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Sometimes, pupils are praised for completing an activity rather than for the quality of their work.
While this encourages pupils' participation, this does not help them improve their standards. Leaders should ensure that any feedback on all pupils' work clearly identifies what they have done well but also what needs to be improved. ? Some pupils are still absent more often than they should be.
Leaders, governors and trustees should continue their sharp focus on improving attendance. This includes emphasising with parents and pupils the links between attendance and academic achievement, particularly for those remaining pupils who are persistently absent. ? A few curriculum areas have been slower to improve than most.
This means that some pupils do not learn as well as they might. Leaders, governors and trustees should continue their work to improve the few curriculum areas where progress is not as rapid, particularly in science. This includes ensuring that the planned curriculum is taught consistently well.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.