The Albion Academy

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About The Albion Academy

Name The Albion Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mathew Rogers
Address 1 London Street, Salford, M6 6QT
Phone Number 01613595100
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 893
Local Authority Salford
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have high expectations of all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils respond to these expectations and achieve well.

Leaders expect all pupils to behave well. They have established clear and consistent routines to manage pupils' conduct. Pupils are polite and respectful.

In lessons, they are keen to do their best. During social times, pupils manage their behaviour well. This leads to a calm and purposeful environment where pupils are able to focus on their learning.

There are strong, positive relationships between pupils and staff. Leaders and staff deal with any incidents of bullying and name-calling... effectively. This helps pupils to feel safe and happy in school.

Pupils can access a range of extra-curricular opportunities. They are keen to join the popular Cadet group and look forward to this group's annual summer camp. Pupils develop their talents and interests through the creative writing club, residential trips to Wales, skiing lessons and theatre visits.

Year 10 pupils valued their visit to the Bank of New York.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have developed a broad and balanced curriculum that meets pupils' interests, aptitudes and needs. In each subject, leaders have identified the important knowledge that pupils must learn and the order in which this should be taught.

Pupils, including those with SEND, achieve well across the curriculum.

Teachers are knowledgeable about their subjects. Most teachers present new information clearly.

They prioritise teaching the important knowledge that pupils need to learn and remember. They devise lessons that help to build pupils' knowledge over time. Most teachers use assessment strategies effectively to identify and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge before moving on to new learning.

Nevertheless, a few teachers do not use this assessment information as well. This means that in a few subjects, some pupils struggle to make sense of new learning.

Leaders ensure that pupils who have developed gaps in their reading knowledge are identified quickly.

These pupils benefit from effective support that helps them to catch up with their peers. These pupils learn to read confidently and fluently so that they can access learning across the curriculum.

Staff identify the additional needs of pupils with SEND at the earliest stage.

Leaders provide teachers with helpful information about the individual needs of pupils with SEND. Leaders ensure that teachers adapt lesson activities appropriately so that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum alongside their classmates. This enables these pupils to achieve well.

The majority of pupils behave well. Disruption in lessons and around school is rare. Leaders have ensured that those pupils who struggle to manage their behaviour get the help and support needed.

These pupils improve their behaviour over time.

Most pupils attend school regularly. However, there are some pupils who do not attend school as frequently as they should.

Leaders have worked with the local authority to improve the attendance rates of these pupils. However, there are a few pupils whose attendance remains stubbornly low.

Pupils are well informed about the opportunities available to them when they leave school.

They benefit from regular encounters with local colleges. This helps pupils to make decisions about post-16 education and training.

Leaders have recently reviewed their provision for pupils' wider personal development.

They have carefully thought out the provision at key stage 3, However, leaders' thinking is not as well developed at key stage 4. This means, at times, some older pupils do not benefit from a clearly defined programme that prepares them fully for life in modern Britain.

Trustees and governors share an ambitious vision for the school.

They have a thorough understanding of the quality of education provided by leaders. They hold leaders to account effectively. New school leaders have brought about considerable positive changes to the school since the previous inspection.

They have ensured that pupils benefit from a good quality of education.

Staff feel appreciated by their leaders. They are positive about leaders' efforts to protect their workload and promote their well-being.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders keep up to date about local and national safeguarding issues. They ensure that staff receive regular safeguarding training.

This means that staff are knowledgeable about and alert to the signs that may indicate a pupil is at risk of harm. Staff report and record concerns appropriately. Leaders follow up on any concerns.

Leaders work closely with external agencies to ensure that vulnerable pupils and their families receive appropriate help when needed.

Pupils learn about how to keep themselves safe online. Leaders make sure that pupils are well informed about potential risks as they arise in the community.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers do not carry out effective and timely checks on pupils' learning that enable them to identify and address any gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding. This hinders some pupils' learning. Leaders should ensure that teachers use assessment strategies effectively to identify and address pupils' gaps and misconceptions.

• Some pupils do not attend school as frequently as they should. This means that these pupils miss out on important learning. Leaders should ensure that the attendance of these pupils improves.

• Leaders' work to promote pupils' personal development has gained less traction in key stage 4. This means that some older pupils do not learn all that they should to ensure that they are fully prepared for life in modern Britain. Leaders should finalise the content of this programme so that pupils develop all of the knowledge that they need as they move towards adulthood.

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