The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy

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About The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy

Name The Archbishop Lanfranc Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Mr Simon Trehearn
Address Mitcham Road, Croydon, CR9 3AS
Phone Number 02086891255
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 832
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

This is an inclusive school. Pupils from a wide range of backgrounds are welcomed. Staff work hard to build positive relationships with pupils.

Leaders place an emphasis on the induction of new pupils. Before Year 7 pupils join the school they can attend summer school and take part in special events. Pupils enjoy attending school.

They told inspectors that they feel safe and know who to talk to if they want help.

Leaders are ambitious for their pupils but have not ensured that the curriculum is well planned in all subjects. Sometimes teachers do not check what pupils know before moving on.

This creates gaps in pupils' learning.

In some lesso...ns behaviour disrupts learning. Around the school behaviour can be boisterous.

When bullying is reported leaders take action. Pupils feel that some staff take bullying more seriously than others.

Leaders have prioritised the teaching of religious studies and citizenship and all pupils study these subjects throughout the school.

For example, pupils learn about the British values of democracy and the rule of law in depth, comparing the British system with others from around the world.

Pupils appreciate the additional opportunities that are provided to everyone. These include after-school clubs and 'Academy Days', where pupils go on educational visits.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are developing an ambitious curriculum, which supports pupils to succeed in the future. This is because it is broad and balanced. Pupils can now choose from a range of subjects when they choose their options at the end of Year 9.

The proportion of pupils entered for GCSEs in modern foreign languages and history or geography is increasing.

Leaders have not consistently identified the knowledge and skills they want pupils to learn. In some subjects there are clear expectations of what should be learned at each stage.

This content is set out in small steps. In other subjects this is not the case and it is harder for to pupils make progress through the curriculum.

Sometimes teachers do not check what pupils can recall from previous learning before starting to teach new content.

When this happens pupils find it harder to connect new learning with what they have learned before.

Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are new to English follow the same curriculum as other pupils. Teachers and teaching assistants adapt the curriculum, so these pupils make the same progress as other pupils.

Pupils who are struggling to read are not supported to catch up. Leaders have introduced a weekly reading lesson for all younger pupils as a first step towards prioritising reading.

Leaders have high expectations of behaviour but some lessons are disrupted by low-level disruption.

This stops pupils from learning. Sometimes pupil behaviour around the school is boisterous. Leaders have clear procedures for managing behaviour but not all staff use these consistently.

Pupils feel safe. Pastoral support has recently been expanded with additional counselling and mentoring support in a new dedicated area. Pupils speak highly about this support.

Leaders have taken effective action to support attendance.

Every pupil takes part in an after-school club every week. Pupils are proud of their achievements in these.

Year 8 girls recently learned about close ball control in football while another group learned how to use computer coding to create a website.

Leaders have recently increased the amount of time spent teaching the personal, social and health education (PSHE) programme. This will allow topics to be covered in greater depth.

Leaders have started to improve careers guidance, including the provision of independent careers advice from Year 7. These changes have only just been introduced.

Staff feel that leaders support them in managing their workload.

Leaders have identified priorities for the school but have not acted with sufficient urgency to address these. Those responsible for governance do not hold leaders sufficiently to account for their work.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff understand it is everyone's responsibility to keep pupils safe. Leaders have ensured that all staff receive regular training on safeguarding. For example, recent training considered the signs that may indicate pupils' involvement in county lines.

Staff know how to report any concerns. Pupils know who to talk to if they need help. They can also report any concerns online.

Leaders have developed good working relationships with external agencies. They ensure that pupils receive any additional help that they need.

Leaders make sure that the required checks are made when appointing new staff.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In some subjects, leaders have not identified the essential knowledge and skills pupils need to acquire. This means that pupils do not progress through the curriculum well. Leaders need to ensure that all subjects identify and break down the essential knowledge and skills pupils need to remember to meet the curriculum goals.

• Teachers do not consistently check what pupils have learned. As a result, teachers do not always identify gaps in pupils' knowledge before introducing new content. Leaders should ensure that teachers identify any gaps in pupils' knowledge and provide appropriate activities to address these gaps before moving on to new content.

• Leaders work to support weak readers and prioritise reading is inconsistent. Those who struggle to read do not receive enough support to become fluent readers. This means they struggle to access the curriculum.

Leaders should systematically identify and support weak readers to read fluently. ? Leaders have not taken effective steps to secure high standards of behaviour. As a result there is low-level disruption in some lessons.

Around the school behaviour can be boisterous. Leaders need to ensure that all staff follow school policies and procedures regarding behaviour. ? Governors and trust members do not have a full understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses.

This means they have been unable to hold leaders to account and ensure rapid improvement. Governors and trust members should review their systems for oversight of the school's work. This should include ensuring that plans for PSHE and careers education are fully implemented.

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