The Basildon Upper Academy

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About The Basildon Upper Academy

Name The Basildon Upper Academy
Ofsted Inspections
Principal Ms Rebecca Rees
Address Wickford Avenue, Basildon, SS13 3HL
Phone Number 01268552536
Phase Academy
Type Academy sponsor led
Age Range 14-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 900
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils say that everyone is valued here and treated with respect. Pupils appreciate the guidance and support that the school gives them to be the best they can be. As a result, there are positive relationships between staff and pupils.

Pupils also get on well with each other. Pupils are, however, frustrated that others sometimes disturb their learning in lessons.

There are a wide range of clubs and opportunities for pupils to contribute to the school and local community, for instance as charity ambassadors.

This develops pupils' self-confidence. Well-chosen visitors help pupils learn how to keep themselves safe and healthy. Pupils in key stage 4 are well prep...ared for their next steps.

They learn about a range of careers and, like students in the sixth form, they can study a range of vocational courses.

Teachers usually adapt work well so that pupils can access the curriculum, especially pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) who attend the school's own provision also receive highly effective support that improves their behaviour and well-being.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The curriculum at Basildon Upper Academy is well thought out. It is carefully planned with staff from the Basildon Lower Academy. These plans identify what pupils need to know.

It breaks down this knowledge into manageable chunks so that pupils can build on previous knowledge securely. There are frequent checks on what pupils have learned.

Published outcomes for 2023 show that pupils in key stage 4 did not achieve as highly as they should.

However, this was principally the result of high levels of persistent absence by some pupils. Teachers are effectively implementing the curriculum to ensure that pupils catch up on learning they have missed. This is increasingly contributing towards improvements in pupils' knowledge.

The school is determined that all pupils can access the curriculum. All pupils in key stage 4 now study French. The school offers pupils a wide range of vocational courses as well as GCSE and A-level qualifications.

Pupils are prepared well for the next stage of their education or employment. Teachers skilfully adapt the curriculum for pupils with SEND so that they become increasingly confident and knowledgeable. While work is closely matched to the needs of pupils, there remain a few teachers who do not have high enough expectations of what pupils can achieve in key stage 4.

The school identifies pupils who need support to improve their reading so they can access the curriculum. It provides them, and pupils who are at the early stage of learning English, with high-quality support. This improves pupils' accuracy and fluency of their reading, so they catch up with their peers.

Behaviour at this school is improving. The school has increased its expectations of pupils as part of a revised behaviour policy, although this is at an early stage. The school provides personalised support for pupils who find it hard to manage their own behaviour.

This is improving attitudes to learning. Some pupils do, however, disrupt the learning of others. This is because teachers are not consistent in applying the new policy, and some pupils are confused as to what is acceptable conduct as a result.

Pupils do not always attend well. Leaders are using a range of strategies to support pupils to attend school more regularly. These strategies are having a positive impact.

Pupils learn about, and understand, the importance of respecting themselves and others. The personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum teaches pupils how to look after their physical and mental well-being. Pupils meet a range of employers and representatives from further education colleges.

This helps pupils make well-informed choices about their next steps.

Students in the sixth form enjoy studying here. In lessons, teachers use their subject knowledge to provide a curriculum that builds students' knowledge securely.

Students are taught to study and use their time effectively. The timetable is condensed into three days. This is to allow time for students to have opportunities for employment to support them remaining in the sixth form.

As a result, not enough time is given for students' personal development. There are limited clubs or opportunities to pursue students' interests outside of lessons.

Governors and trustees challenge and support leaders.

They are working hard to engage parents in the life and work of the school.

Staff are well supported and are proud to work here.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Some teachers are not ambitious enough in their expectations of what pupils in key stage 4 can learn. As a result, pupils do not always build up the depth and breadth of knowledge that they need to achieve as well as they should. The school should ensure that all teachers are ambitious in the work they set pupils, so that pupils build up a wide range of detailed knowledge.

• Although the school has increasingly high expectations of how pupils conduct themselves, pupils' behaviour is not always managed effectively. This is because some pupils and staff do not yet fully understand what these expectations are, and why they are in place. There is some disruption to lessons as a result.

The school should continue to embed expectations consistently so that behaviour continues to improve. ? Students in the sixth form follow a broad curriculum with many vocational options, but they do not have enough opportunities for enrichment activities that would develop a wide range of interests. The school should review the structure of the personal development curriculum in the sixth form to ensure that students are well prepared for their next steps.

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