The Billinghay Church of England Primary School

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About The Billinghay Church of England Primary School

Name The Billinghay Church of England Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Richard Allen
Address Fen Road, Billinghay, Lincoln, LN4 4HU
Phone Number 01526860786
Phase Primary
Type Voluntary controlled school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 158
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils know that their teachers are ambitious for them.

Teachers are keen to inform pupils that all careers are accessible, no matter who you are. Careers information, advice and guidance is a strength. Staff raise pupils' future aspirations.

Pupils have their eyes opened to the world of possibilities outside of Billinghay. Gender stereotypes in careers are challenged. Pupils meet fantastic role models who work in science and engineering.

They take part in careers workshops. Pupils are well prepared for their next steps when they leave the school. Many are excited for their future.

Teachers' expectations of pupils' behaviour are high. Pupils behave w...ell around school. They show each other great care.

They play happily at social times. They know the school's routines and follow them to the letter. In lessons, pupils' learning is rarely disrupted.

Pupils learn about bullying. They understand what bullying is. They know the distinct types of bullying, including online.

Pupils comment that they feel safe in school. They say that, were any instances of bullying to occur, the teachers will always be there, adding: 'We are happy at school. We can always tell someone if there is any falling out.'

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are aware of the importance of addressing inequality. Curriculum planning is thoughtful and detailed. There is a clear focus on knowledge.

Some pupils do not have extensive vocabulary. The curriculum addresses this. Pupils use technical language with confidence.

In science, for example, pupils use terms such as exoskeleton, vertebrae and invertebrates when discussing how muscles bring about movement.

Teachers have strong subject knowledge. They skilfully use assessment to check that pupils access the learning that they need.

They have the confidence and ability to adapt the curriculum accordingly. They address pupils' learning gaps. Misconceptions are swiftly addressed.

This is expertly done in the early years.

Subject leadership is good. Leaders have benefitted from high-quality professional development and training.

They are often expert. Leadership is particularly strong in the early years, science and design and technology.

The community is still recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

There has been an increase in safeguarding referrals. Some pupils are regularly absent. There have also been additional pressures, including staff absence and budget constraints.

The headteacher has shown great commitment to the school and the community. In trying to address these challenges, he is completing too many tasks and taking on too much work. Not enough is delegated to the other talented leaders within the school.

Attendance is improving but is rightly a priority for leaders. The number of pupils who are persistently absent is high. Some families still require extensive support and intervention to make sure that their child attends.

There is a well-planned and sequenced reading curriculum. Children learn to read as soon as they enter the early years. They are helped to catch up if they fall behind.

The books that pupils read match the sounds they are learning. Published outcomes show that pupils achieve well in reading.

The local authority has provided effective support to the special educational needs coordinator.

The systems in place to identify and support pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) have improved. In class, pupils' learning is appropriately adapted. Pupils receive sensitive help and guidance from teaching assistants.

Children with SEND in the early years benefit beautifully from the carefully planned and inclusive provision.

This is a church school. The ethos of the Christian faith is evident.

Pupils also learn about other faiths and visit other places of worship. The personal, social and health education curriculum addresses pupils' needs effectively. From the early years, pupils learn the importance of diversity and equality.

They actively engage in activities to improve the school. Members of the community really appreciate the 'boxes of kindness' that pupils provide. The 'caring Christmas' event is an enormous success.

Pupils value the many clubs they can access after school and at lunchtime. Pupils participate well. Pupils love the opportunities they receive.

The chair and the vice-chair of governors provide effective support and challenge to leaders. They have expert knowledge. They know the school well.

The work of the local authority locality lead has had significant impact.

Staff are immensely proud to work at the school. They show a great deal of care for pupils and for the community.

They value leaders' efforts to consider their workload.They feel listened to and supported.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is a strong culture of safeguarding and welfare within the school. Pupils feel safe and happy. All staff are well trained.

Pupils comment that there are many adults they can turn to in times of trouble. Staff keep a watchful eye.

Safeguarding procedures are well understood.

Pupils and their families receive the support they need, including from external agencies. Concerns are appropriately escalated.The single central record of staff meets requirements.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• Although attendance is improving, it is not yet good enough. Some pupils are missing a good quality of education and the wider opportunities that the school offers. Leaders must make sure that the management of attendance is appropriately staffed, that the most vulnerable families receive the support and challenge needed and that the number of pupils persistently absent reduces.

• The headteacher is completing too many jobs in school. This takes him away from the more strategic roles. Leaders, including governors, must ensure that there is a robust leadership structure in place, that leadership tasks are appropriately delegated and that they are expertly conducted.

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