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Leaders have high expectations of pupils at The Bishop of Winchester Academy. Pupils behave well in lessons.
They learn to read, write and speak well. Pupils remember what they have learned and make links between different subjects because teachers understand how pupils learn best. Pupils benefit from leaders' and teachers' belief in the school's motto, 'Have the courage to be wise'.
Parents appreciate teachers' commitment to their child's learning, as reflected in the comment, 'All of the teachers who teach/have taught my sons have gone above and beyond for my children to achieve.'
Pupils at the school benefit from an impressive range of extra-curricular ac...tivities. Leaders prioritise wider opportunities alongside achievement in public examinations so that their pupils 'live life to the full'.
Pupils learn about how to stay safe and healthy. They understand the behaviour expected of a 'Bishop Student', known as the school's 'Learning Apps'. These underpin the school's Christian ethos.
Bullying is not common, but some pupils are not confident that all teachers deal with it effectively. Pupils do not always tell someone when it happens. Leaders have started to improve this.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
There is an ambitious curriculum, including for those in the sixth form. The majority of pupils learn subjects that qualify for the English Baccalaureate. Leaders are clear about the most important knowledge pupils need.
Pupils learn new knowledge in a logical order and build on what they already know. They are beginning to make meaningful links between subjects.
Teachers have good subject knowledge.
They break down learning into small chunks, which helps pupils to learn new knowledge and remember more. Teaching does not move on until pupils are ready to learn new content. Pupils are well prepared for their next steps.
Students in the sixth form work with purpose in their independent study time. Pupils receive extra support to catch up when needed.
Leaders have prioritised literacy.
For example, pupils learn and use new vocabulary in every subject. Teachers know how to support pupils' reading. When pupils read aloud in lessons, they do so with confidence.
There is a reading programme in place for pupils in key stage 3. Pupils also read in mentor time. This means that many pupils read widely and often.
Pupils who are falling behind in reading get the support they need to catch up.
Leaders have prioritised mathematical knowledge as being important for pupils to understand the world around them. From Year 7, the curriculum goes significantly beyond the national curriculum.
It helps pupils build a deep understanding of different aspects of mathematics. Pupils enjoy mathematics, and many take the subject in the sixth form.
Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are well supported.
Teachers know pupils well, and adapt their teaching appropriately. However, leaders do not always coordinate the provision well for a small number of pupils with complex needs. Pupils from the Emmaus Centre enjoy attending lessons in the main school and are supported when needed.
However, some parents of pupils with SEND, especially of those pupils with complex needs, do not feel there is enough communication from school.
Pupils enjoy taking part in the impressive range of extra-curricular opportunities on offer. There are over 100 clubs running, currently.
These include basketball, rugby, Spanish, debating and cookery. Pupils' attendance at these is high. Leaders ensure that disadvantaged pupils and those with SEND attend.
In the sixth form, students take part in a range of enrichment activities and enjoy writing the school newsletter.
Through the programme for personal development, pupils learn how to stay safe and learn about healthy relationships. The sixth-form programme is appropriate.
However, some pupils do not remember important content about tolerance. Pupils are taught about mental well-being but some would like more support with their mental health.
There is a high-quality careers programme in place.
Leaders are very aspirational for pupils. Students in the sixth form benefit from interview practice, links with local employers and useful guidance about writing personal statements for university application. Many students achieve places at highly selective universities.
Most teachers believe leaders consider their workload, and the majority feel proud to work at the school. The governing body includes several new members, and it does not yet have the experience and skills to effectively challenge the leadership team. Many parents are supportive of the school, but some do not feel communication is strong.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
There is a culture of safeguarding in the school. Pupils learn how to stay safe.
Staff are well trained and receive regular updates. They understand their responsibilities and report all concerns. Designated leaders for safeguarding act quickly when needed.
Child protection records indicate that leaders work well with other agencies to get pupils the support they need. The school fulfils all requirements for safer recruitment.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The provision for a small number of pupils with complex needs is not always well coordinated.
Current systems for checking on quality and impact lack precision. This means that leaders do not always know what works well for these pupils. Leaders must make sure they check on the quality and impact of provision to ensure these pupils achieve well.
• Leaders, including those responsible for governance, do not always communicate effectively with pupils and parents. This means that pupils and parents do not always understand the actions of leaders. Leaders, including governors, need to ensure they engage with, and communicate more effectively with, parents and pupils alike.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.