The Blue Coat CofE School

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About The Blue Coat CofE School

Name The Blue Coat CofE School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Rob Higgins
Address Egerton Street, Oldham, OL1 3SQ
Phone Number 01616241484
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1692
Local Authority Oldham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils, and students in the sixth form, flourish at this school. They are immensely proud of their school and its history.

Pupils are consistently polite and respectful. Their conduct reflects leaders' high standards. Pupils feel safe and happy at school.

Teachers deal with any incidents of bullying swiftly and effectively.

Leaders have very high expectations of pupils' academic achievement. Pupils experience an ambitious curriculum that is successfully designed to build a deep and secure body of knowledge over time.

They are exceptionally well prepared for the next stage in their education.

Pupils, including those with special educational n...eeds and/or disabilities (SEND), engage in a wealth of opportunities to promote their personal development. Pupils readily assume leadership roles, for example on the school council.

These roles enable pupils to make meaningful contributions to the school, organising events such as the 'Culture Day'. Students in the sixth form strive to serve their local community, working towards the 'Blues Award', which is given for 24 hours of voluntary service.

Pupils appreciate the wide range of extra-curricular activities available, such as book clubs, music, sports and a Braille club.

Many pupils, including those who are disadvantaged, benefit from a vast array of trips and visits. For example, most Year 8 pupils visit Belgium. All Year 9 pupils participate in The Duke of Edinburgh's Award.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders, governors and trustees are aspirational for all pupils, including students in the sixth form. Leaders have thought meticulously about the curriculum from Year 7 to Year 13. They are committed to ensuring that pupils leave school with the qualifications that they need to succeed.

Almost all pupils follow the English Baccalaureate suite of subjects.

Subject leaders are passionate about all pupils developing 'powerful knowledge'. They have carefully organised their curriculums to make sure that teachers are clear about what pupils need to learn and when this knowledge should be taught.

Subject leaders have ensured that there are many opportunities for pupils to revisit their prior learning. This means that pupils develop rich subject knowledge.

Subject leaders have thought deeply about how to check what pupils know and remember.

Their approaches to assessment are sharply focused on the important knowledge that pupils should learn. Teachers swiftly identify and address pupils' misconceptions or gaps in their learning. Pupils and students achieve highly.

Leaders prioritise reading. They have an exceptionally well-thought-out strategy to identify pupils who have gaps in their reading knowledge. Expert staff support these pupils to catch up quickly with their peers.

Students in the sixth form model positive reading behaviours to younger pupils. Across the school, leaders have ensured that all staff are teachers of reading. Pupils read widely and with fervour.

Leaders identify pupils with SEND quickly and accurately. Subject leaders prioritise the needs of pupils with SEND when designing their curriculums. Teachers are furnished with detailed information about the needs of individual pupils.

They expertly adapt their delivery of the curriculum to support pupils with SEND to know and remember more.

Pupils manage their own behaviour exceptionally well, which means that their learning is rarely disrupted. Students in the sixth form behave impeccably.

They are independent and highly studious. Pupils and students have positive attitudes towards their learning which are reflected in their high attendance.

Leaders have developed an excellent programme to promote pupils' personal development.

Pupils and students are extremely well prepared for life in modern Britain. Leaders have created an additional personal development programme for vulnerable pupils. This supports these pupils to understand sensitive issues, such as those learned as part of relationships and sex education and health education.

This helps them to be well prepared for adult life.

Pupils and students experience a high-quality careers education. This is woven through subject curriculums.

Leaders provide timely and relevant opportunities for pupils to engage with employers. Pupils and students receive the independent advice that they need to make appropriate and ambitious choices about their futures.

Leaders at all levels are constantly looking for ways to improve the quality of education that they provide.

Teachers focus on continually developing their subject expertise. Leaders prioritise curriculum development and, as a result, teachers feel empowered to support all pupils to learn effectively. Staff appreciate the support that leaders give them to manage their workload.

They are immensely proud to work at this school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders ensure a strong culture of safeguarding throughout the school.

Staff receive regular training to ensure that they are alert to the signs that a pupil may be at risk of harm. Leaders persevere to make sure that pupils get the timely help that they need from external agencies.

Leaders have a deep understanding of the different safeguarding issues facing pupils and students across the school.

This is because leaders consult with a wide range of pupils about risks in the community and online. Leaders successfully make sure that pupils learn about the issues that are most relevant to them. This supports pupils to stay safe.

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