The Bridge at HLC

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About The Bridge at HLC

Name The Bridge at HLC
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Heather Davies
Address Waterloo Road, Hadley, Telford, TF1 5NQ
Phone Number 01952387108
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 3-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 213
Local Authority Telford and Wrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school because: Leaders, managers and the governing body have maintained and improved on outstanding teaching and the rate of pupils' progress since the last inspection. Pupils make very good progress, especially in their communication and early literacy and number skills.

This includes young children in the Nursery and the students in the sixth form provision. Teaching throughout the school is outstanding. Teachers have an excellent understanding of the learning and personal needs of their pupils and tailor all activities to enable each individual pupil to make the best possible progress.

Over time, they make significant progress in personal development, independence and ability to make choices and they have outstanding relations with adults at the school. Their behaviour is almost always impeccable. The pupils enjoy school.

This is reflected in the very low absence rates of the vast majority of pupils. The pupils feel and are kept very safe. Their attitudes to learning are excellent and this has a great impact on their behaviour and progress.

The headteacher has led the development of an outstanding leadership team. Together they continually monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and the pupils' activities and inspire teachers and other adults to strive to help each pupil achieve as well as possible. Governors are exceptionally well informed about the progress of pupils and the standards of teaching.

They are passionate about providing the very best for the pupils and they contribute an excellent level of challenge and support to the school's leaders.

Information about this school

The school makes provision for pupils with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties. A significant proportion of pupils have additional complex needs such as autism.

There is an assessment Nursery catering for up to 40 part-time children as well as a sixth form of 30 students. The school has specialist status as a Business and Enterprise College. The proportion of pupils eligible for the pupil premium funding is above average.

This funding is given for pupils who are entitled to free school meals, are looked after by the local authority or who are the children of service families. An average number of pupils come from minority ethnic backgrounds and a small proportion of pupils speak English as an additional language. The school provides an outreach service to other schools in the local authority.

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