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Pupils are proud to attend a school that has improved so much. One pupil summed up the views of many when she said that they are, 'well looked after' at the academy.
Pupils are unanimous in their praise of all staff. Staff care about pupils' well-being. They are always there if pupils need extra support, including with their work.
Pupils enjoy respectful relationships with each other as well as with staff. Typically, pupils model the academy's 'PRIDE' values of being positive, respectful, independent, determined and excellent through positive behaviour in lessons and around the school.
Pupils are safe.
They know they can speak to a trusted adult if t...hey have any concerns. This extends to bullying. On the rare occasion that an incident of bullying happens, staff deal with it immediately.
Pupils understand that discriminatory language is not acceptable here.
Leaders have high expectations for pupils' academic achievements. They make strong provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).
Pupils are well prepared for the next stages of their education.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all pupils. Subject leaders have thought about where and when they teach pupils new content.
They have prioritised the key building blocks of knowledge that pupils need to learn. These become more progressive over time. For instance, English teachers introduce the key concept of the writer's craft in Year 7.
Pupils learn about the effect of metaphorical language. By Year 9, they explore symbolism and motif.
Typically, teachers help pupils to develop their knowledge well.
For example, they set quizzes to help pupils recall their prior learning. Teachers motivate pupils to learn. This helps pupils' enjoyment in their learning.
Teachers typically check pupils' understanding well. They identify and then reduce any gaps in pupils' knowledge. Sometimes, teachers do not consolidate pupils' learning as precisely as they could.
As a result, a small number of pupils struggle to develop secure knowledge. This is particularly the case when teachers introduce new content that pupils are not fully ready for.
Staff check pupils' reading fluency when they join the school.
Leaders ensure that pupils who need to catch up in their reading receive effective support, including in phonics. All staff have high expectations for pupils' literacy. They provide pupils with frequent opportunities to speak with confidence in lessons.
Generally, pupils have positive attitudes towards their learning. Their behaviour seldom disrupts learning.
Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND receive thorough support.
Staff know pupils' needs and the key strategies to use to help them to access their learning. Staff ensure pupils with SEND access the full curriculum. Additional support for pupils, including those with SEND, is timely and well matched to their needs.
Pupils gain important life skills as part of the personal, social and health education curriculum. They have learned about different religious views on same-sex relationships, for example. The school council is given responsibilities, including the planning of a cultural celebration event.
The school provides a range of clubs after school and during breaktimes. Many pupils do not attend these. Leaders do not do enough to ensure there is a strong take-up of these additional activities.
There is an effective strategy for developing pupils' understanding of different careers. All pupils receive impartial advice. Staff ensure that they provide information about vocational education post-16.
Staff said that their workload is manageable. Leaders take account of staff's work-life balance. Staff are proud to belong to the school and the trust.
They appreciate the opportunities for professional development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that policies and procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns are clear.
Staff understand these and are well trained. They are alert to the signs that pupils may be at risk. The procedures for the safe recruitment of new members of staff are secure.
Leaders work effectively with outside agencies to help vulnerable pupils and their families. They support pupils with their mental health. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe, including online.
They learn how to recognise unhealthy relationships. They develop an age-appropriate understanding of sexual harassment and consent.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• Leaders do not ensure that all teachers have the expertise to check pupils' knowledge with precision.
On occasions, teachers move on too quickly before pupils have secured any essential knowledge. This allows gaps in pupils' knowledge and understanding to persist. Leaders should ensure that all teachers routinely check pupils' understanding before introducing new content.
• Leaders have started to get the school's co-curricular offer back up and running. While pupils can list the clubs and opportunities available to them, many do not participate. Leaders should do more to encourage pupils' take-up of these opportunities to enhance their wider development above and beyond their learning in lessons.