The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School

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About The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School

Name The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial RC School
Ofsted Inspections
Headmaster Mr Paul Stubbings
Address 89 Addison Road, London, W14 8BZ
Phone Number 02076038478
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Roman Catholic
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 1022
Local Authority Kensington and Chelsea
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils grow and flourish in every way here.

They are extremely proud to be part of this strong and caring school community. Leaders and staff have very high expectations for all pupils. They work together to help pupils develop into well-rounded individuals who love learning and achieve highly.

Pupils' behaviour is exceptional. They treat each other and staff with dignity and respect. Pupils share the aspirations leaders and staff have for them and value their support.

Pupils want to be the best they can be, both at school and in the future.

Pupils told inspectors that they feel happy and safe here. If pupils do have concerns, they know who to speak

They are confident staff will listen to them. On the rare occasions when bullying occurs, staff are swift to deal with this effectively.

Academic study is balanced with pupils' wider development.

Leaders encourage all pupils to broaden their experiences. They offer plentiful extra-curricular activities to enrich pupils' learning. This includes a huge variety of clubs, musical opportunities and overseas trips.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders provide a rich and extensive curriculum for all pupils. They have high expectations and challenging standards. These apply to all areas of school life.

Pupils achieve highly in all their subjects. This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and those who are disadvantaged.

In Years 7 and 8, pupils study a broad range of subjects in depth.

This underpins the key knowledge and understanding they need for their GCSE studies. From Year 9, pupils have a wide choice of subjects on offer. The subjects that make up the English Baccalaureate are at the heart of this.

The breadth of subjects offered continues in the sixth form. Pupils also have extensive opportunities to maintain their individual interests through the extra-curricular programme. This has a particular emphasis on creative subjects, such as art and music.

Pupils are enthusiastic learners with a thirst for knowledge. Staff check pupils' learning regularly so that they know if pupils have understood and are ready to move on. Teachers help pupils to remember essential subject knowledge that they need to know.

Pupils can then use this knowledge to help them understand new concepts. For example, in a Year 13 art lesson, students confidently explained how they had developed their ideas to produce a final piece of artwork.

Teachers have expert subject knowledge.

They know what their pupils need to learn, when they should learn it and the best way to teach it. For example, in music, in Years 7 and 8, pupils focus on developing their technical and constructive knowledge of music. They do this while developing a knowledge of different musical genres through time.

Pupils' work helps them to develop a much deeper appreciation and understanding of music. This underpins their composing skills at GCSE.

Pupils' attitudes to learning are exemplary.

They come to lessons well prepared and listen intently to their teachers. Lessons are free from disruption.

Leaders plan exceptional opportunities for pupils' personal development.

The school has an extremely caring and supportive ethos, focused on developing the whole person. This includes an extensive range of enrichment clubs and activities which support pupils' wider development. Pupils engage fully with the wide-ranging opportunities on offer.

Pupils receive well-planned careers guidance. Staff make sure that pupils are fully informed about their next steps. They arrange for a variety of speakers to give talks on employment opportunities and apprenticeships, for example.

Sixth-form students value the advice they get, such as help with university applications.

Leaders have ensured that adaptations are made to fully meet the needs of all pupils. They accurately identify pupils with SEND.

These pupils get bespoke and effective support. Staff are swift to step in and help pupils at risk of falling behind, particularly in reading and mathematics. Weaker readers are well supported to catch up quickly.

Pupils across the school read for the joy of doing so.

Staff, including those new to teaching, receive high-quality training. They are encouraged to continually reflect on and develop their skills.

Staff feel valued and are very proud to work at the school. Leaders support staff in managing their workload. Leaders have built supportive partnerships with other schools, the local community and the diocese.

Governors are knowledgeable about the school's work and carry out their duties well. They share the school leaders' vision and strategic direction for the school. Governors work with leaders to ensure that decisions are always made in the best interests of pupils.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders have established an open and supportive culture of safeguarding in the school. Leaders and staff are well trained to recognise safeguarding issues.

They deal with these effectively and work closely with external agencies. This helps to ensure that all concerns are followed up rigorously.

Teachers know their pupils exceptionally well and recognise when they are not happy or have concerns.

Pupils are aware of the risks they face. They are taught about keeping safe and the importance of healthy relationships. Pupils know who to speak to if they have any concerns and are not afraid in coming forward to do so.

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