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Leaders are determined that all pupils will succeed.
They maintain high academic standards through an ambitious curriculum. Leaders have worked to diversify the curriculum to make it more relevant to pupils in the school. In art, for example, pupils study artists from a range of cultural backgrounds.
Pupils work hard. They know their teachers want the best for them. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) flourish here.
Pupils are happy and safe. They are polite and respectful to each other. Leaders have the highest expectations for the way pupils behave.
Bullying is rare and staff deal with instances of bullying swiftly. Pup...ils are taught to treat everyone equally. As a result, there is a strong sense of harmony among the school community.
Pupils are ambitious for the future. Leaders promote a wide range of activities that will foster self-belief and ambition and develop pupils' character. Pupils take seriously the school's core values of excellence, perseverance, responsibility, and family.
Sixth-form students are role models for younger pupils in the school. They lead school initiatives to promote diversity and have developed their own anti-racism manifesto.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have designed an ambitious academic curriculum.
All pupils receive a high-quality education. Students in the sixth form achieve very highly. Most pupils stay at the school after Year 11 to attend the sixth form.
Subject leaders have clearly identified the key knowledge they want pupils to learn. This is well-sequenced so that pupils build up their knowledge securely over time. Teachers routinely assess pupils' understanding.
They draw on what pupils have learned in previous lessons. They swiftly identify and address any gaps in pupils' understanding. This makes sure that pupils are clear what they need to do to improve.
As a result, pupils have a strong foundation of component knowledge on which they can build.
Leaders know that reading fluently is important for all pupils to succeed. Pupils read often and widely.
Sixth-form students enjoy listening to younger pupils read. In English, pupils study texts that are varied and challenging. Teachers help pupils to understand the social and historical context of the books they read.
Leaders ensure that all pupils access the full curriculum. Staff are skilled at adapting lessons to meet the needs of all pupils, especially those with SEND. Weaker readers receive support to improve their fluency and comprehension.
This allows them to access and benefit from the ambitious curriculum.
Pupils' behaviour is exemplary. They are keen to learn and take great pride in their work.
Teachers frequently engage pupils in debate around current affairs. Pupils express their views with maturity and are highly respectful of the views of others.
Pupils lead change within the school.
They organise events both in school and the local community around the issues that matter most to them. The school council has led initiatives to raise awareness of issues around sexual harassment and racism. Students in the sixth form develop leaderships skills.
They complete voluntary activities with local primary schools and charities.
Leaders carefully plan the experiences of pupils to develop their confidence and determination. For example, all pupils in Year 9 and Year 10 take part in The Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme.
Pupils receive a well-established curriculum of careers information, education, advice, and guidance. They learn about the many career pathways open to them and are helped to make the choices that are right for them. Sixth-form students are extremely well prepared for higher education and employment.
Leaders strive for excellence in all aspects of the school's work. Members of the governing body share leaders' ambition for the school and support leaders to realise it. Leaders work with local schools to share their knowledge and expertise.
Staff work collaboratively to contribute to whole-school decision-making. They appreciate the opportunities they are given to develop their subject expertise. This helps to make them experts in their subjects and to get the best from their pupils.
Leaders take effective steps to help staff to manage their workload. Staff are proud to work at this school.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that the policies and procedures for safeguarding are robust. All staff receive appropriate safeguarding training. They are alert to the signs that pupils may be at risk of harm.
Leaders work effectively with outside agencies to make sure that vulnerable pupils and their families get the help they need. The procedures for the safe recruitment of new staff members are secure.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increased focus on mental health and online safety.
Pupils have learned about sexual harassment and consent. They have an age-appropriate understanding of healthy and safe relationships. They trust the adults in the school to support them when they need it.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.