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This is a good school The headteacher and senior leaders have taken decisive action, since the last inspection, to get the school back on track. As a result, the school has made many improvements, even though some middle leaders have only been in post a short time. Leaders are committed to making this school a beacon of excellence and all share in this vision.
They have the drive, determination and capacity to improve the school further. Pupils are proud of their school and are courteous and show respect for each other and for visitors. Leaders have an accurate view of the school and the areas for development.
They are fully aware of the challenges ahead as th...ey set about further improving outcomes for pupils. The school is extremely pupil centred. Pupils lie at the heart of everything and they are extremely well cared for and supported.
Governors have a clear understanding of the school's strengths and weaknesses. They are forensic in their analysis of key areas of the school and offer the right balance of challenge and support. The sixth-form provision is good.
Despite the small number of learners, most go on to achieve results that enable them to access the next stage in their lives. Behaviour in the school is good. There is now an effective climate for learning and parents, pupils and staff agree with this.
Overall, teaching is good. Teachers plan activities to engage and enthuse pupils. As a result, progress across all year groups is improving.
Differences remain in the performance of disadvantaged pupils currently in the school compared with their peers, although this is reducing. Attendance is improving as a result of robust and targeted intervention to tackle absence. Disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)S do not attend school as regularly as their peers, although this is improving.
Outcomes for pupils are good. Leaders are aware that provision in science, mathematics and modern foreign languages is not as strong as in other subjects. There are clear plans in place to address this and they are having positive impact.
There are fewer opportunities for pupils to learn about other faiths and cultures.
Information about this school
The Cheadle Academy is a smaller-than-average secondary school. The school has a 'seclusion unit' which supports pupils with a variety of learning and emotional needs.
Since the previous inspection, there have been significant changes to senior and middle leadership. Most pupils are White British and speak English as their first language. The proportions of disadvantaged pupils and of pupils with SEND are both average.