The Cottesloe School

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About The Cottesloe School

Name The Cottesloe School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mr Simon Jones
Address Church Street, Wing, Aylesbury, LU7 0NY
Phone Number 01296688264
Phase Secondary
Type Foundation school
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character None
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1111
Local Authority Buckinghamshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leaders are passionate about improving all aspects of the school for the benefit of every pupil.

They have successfully driven improvement over the last three years, including boosting the academic performance of pupils. The headteacher provides inspirational leadership and is well respected by the school community. Teaching, learning and assessment are now securely good overall.

Governors and leaders hold staff to account and provide high-quality training so teachers continually hone their skills. All staff have worked effectively to embed an ethos of warmth, care and support. Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school and the ...quality of education it provides for their children.

Pupils are rightly proud to belong to their school. They enjoy learning. They are courteous and have a high degree of respect for others.

The sixth form is good. Sixth form programmes provide well for students, resulting in increased numbers with successful applications to top universities. It is not yet an outstanding school because : Teaching in key stage 3 does not challenge the most able pupils consistently well enough.

Support for disadvantaged pupils does not promote rapid progress consistently well. A few middle leaders are not routinely monitoring the impact of their actions to improve pupils' outcomes. Governors do not always receive clear information about strengths, weaknesses and actions taken.

As a result, governors cannot always ask incisive questions.

Information about this school

Cottesloe School is a larger than average non-selective secondary school in a local authority that operates a selective system. The school has a sixth form.

Nearly all pupils are White British and very few are from minority ethnic backgrounds. The proportion of pupils who are disadvantaged, who attract additional government funding known as the pupil premium, is well below the national average. The proportion of students who have special education needs and/or disabilities is broadly average.

The school uses the Aspire centre as an alternative learning location for a very small number of pupils. The school meets the current government floor standards. The school website meets the requirements.

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