The Courtyard Islington

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About The Courtyard Islington

Name The Courtyard Islington
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Headteacher Deborah Shepherd
Address Holloway Road, Islington, London, N7 8LT
Phone Number 02038596350
Phase Academy (special)
Type Free schools special
Age Range 13-19
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 67
Local Authority Islington
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is a good school Leadership capacity at all levels, including governance, to secure improvements in all key aspects of the school, including the quality of teaching and learning, has been significantly strengthened.

The headteacher provides very effective leadership and promotes a culture of inclusion for all pupils, as well as collaborative teamwork. Staff, including those new to the school, feel well supported. Teachers and teaching assistants are focused on meeting the needs of all pupils, academically and personally.

As a result, pupils achieve well, particularly in reading and mathematics. Progress in writing is not as fast. The new appointment of th...e deputy headteacher for teaching and learning has secured a robust assessment system.

Assessments are used well to set challenging targets. However, targets for the most able pupils are not always ambitious enough. Pupils' achievement is checked and tracked to make sure that pupils sustain good progress.

Nonetheless, subject leaders do not plan for improvements individually and are not held responsible for their subject specialism. Staff are well trained and vigilant in protecting and promoting pupils' safety and well-being. As a result, pupils feel safe.

Pupils behave well both inside the classroom and beyond. Individual and group sessions enable pupils to reflect on their learning and behaviour. They grow in confidence and maturity, flourishing into thoughtful and respectful individuals.

Post-16 students continue to achieve well. They learn with younger pupils as well as having discrete lessons on their own. All age groups benefit from specialist teaching at the main academy, broadening their experiences, interests and subject choices.

Information about this school

The Courtyard is a small special free school, established in September 2013. The school's first inspection in April 2015, judged overall effectiveness to require improvement. The school forms part of the St Mary Magdalene Academy Trust and is overseen by the trustees and the executive director.

It is led and managed by its own headteacher and governing body. Most pupils study for some of their time to St Mary Magdalene Academy. The school moved the new premises in September 2016.

All pupils have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan for autistic spectrum disorders and/or speech, language and communication difficulties. Admissions to the school are arranged through the local authority. Pupils join the school at different points in their education, with most joining at the beginning of Year 9 or in the sixth form.

Some travel to attend the school from outside the local authority area. Just over a third of pupils are eligible for the additional pupil premium funding, which is well above the national average. There are currently very few pupils who do not speak English as their first language.

Some pupils attend level 1 courses in construction or hair and beauty at the Samuel Rhodes MLD School for one afternoon a week. The school complies with Department for Education guidance on what academies should publish. The school meets the requirements on the publication of specified information on its website.

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