The Dales School

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About The Dales School

Name The Dales School
Ofsted Inspections
Head Teacher Dr Sue Fisher
Address Cowpen Road, Blyth, NE24 4RE
Phone Number 01670352556
Phase Special
Type Community special school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 188
Local Authority Northumberland
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents and pupils

This is an outstanding school.

Pupils make exceptional progress from their individual starting points. Their progress in reading, writing, communication and mathematics is equally strong. Achievements for children in the Early Years Foundation Stage are good and for individuals they are outstanding.

Progress increases the longer learners are at the school. For example, some pupils, by the time they leave in Year 6, are achieving close to their peers in mainstream schools in reading. The quality of teaching is always good and a significant proportion is excellent.

Staff skilfully weave teaching, interventions, the use of apprentices, the curriculum and... their extensive knowledge of each individual together to achieve excellent outcomes for all pupil groups. Pupils are keen to attend school, they feel safe and secure. Their behaviour is outstanding.

Their attitudes and care for each other contribute very well to their learning and progress. All pupils have many opportunities to take part in sport both within the curriculum and in extra-curricular activities. This makes a good contribution to their physical well-being.

The Dales has continued to improve markedly since its last inspection. There is a constant drive for excellence from the headteacher, senior leaders and from all staff. A happy, cohesive and totally committed staff team have secured the capacity to improve the quality of teaching and pupils' achievement even further.

For example, through staff undertaking research, attending training and sharing good practice. Parents are delighted with the progress their children make at The Dales. A typical comment was that, 'Children make good progress here and then it turns into even better progress.'

Their only criticism was the school's website. Although parents can talk to staff at any time the ability to quickly access information via the website is hampered as it does not always contain full or up-to-date information.

Information about this school

The Dales is a school for pupils who exhibit a wide range of disabilities or special educational needs.

The main groups of pupils are those with autistic spectrum disorders, communication needs, attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and those with complex social, emotional and behavioural needs. All pupils have a statement of special educational need. Pupils attend from across the county of Northumberland and some have experienced significant disruption in their education prior to joining the school.

Most pupils are White British. The proportion of pupils known to be supported by the pupil premium is above average. The pupil premium is additional funding for those pupils who are known to be eligible for free school meals, children from service families and those children who are looked after.

Currently no pupils speak English as an additional language. The school has maintained its range of awards since the last inspection. The proportion of looked after children is currently very small.

The headteacher is a Local Leader of Education (LLE). Since the last inspection, the governing body and the senior leadership team have been reorganised, either with new staff and/or a change of role. Additionally, the school became part of The Shiremoor Teaching School Alliance, as Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities lead, in 2012 and shares best practice with other schools in its partnership, regionally and nationally.

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