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13 New Street, South Normanton, Alfreton, DE55 2BS
Phone Number
Academy sponsor led
Age Range
Religious Character
Does not apply
Number of Pupils
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this school?
Pupils at The Green Flying High Academy enjoy an exceptional standard of education.
They benefit from the highest-quality teaching, day in and day out. No moment is wasted, and nothing is left to chance. All pupils thrive at this ambitious and supportive school.
Pupils' achievements are remarkable.
Pupils' behaviour is outstanding. They have a zest and a thirst for learning.
They are incredibly enthusiastic and really keen to share all the wonderful things they know and can do. In lessons, pupils listen respectfully and participate actively. Their neat, high-quality work shows how hard they try in everything they do.
The Green is a cheerful,... happy school. It is a place where pupils feel welcome, valued, trusted and safe. They attend well.
Pupils know that being part of 'Team Green' means making every day count and always doing their best. Pupils live and breathe the school's eight values of aspiration, confidence, creativity, enjoyment, kindness, perseverance, pride and responsibility.
Parents and carers are full of admiration for the school.
They like its nurturing ethos and praise the high level of care their children receive. Parents recognise and appreciate the improvements that have taken place since The Green joined Flying High Trust.
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The standard of education at The Green is excellent.
Pupils produce work of the highest quality across the curriculum. They can articulate what they have learned before, remembering important knowledge, concepts and vocabulary. The published outcomes at the end of key stage 1 in 2023 show that pupils consistently achieve very well in reading, writing and mathematics.
The school's curriculum has been designed specifically to meet pupils' needs and celebrate the local area. It is planned meticulously. Staff teach the curriculum step by step, helping pupils to deepen their understanding by building on what has gone before.
All lessons begin by 'reactivating' prior learning. Pupils are invited to 'bring their knowledge forward' so that new content can be connected to what pupils have learned before. Teachers emphasise and repeat the most important 'sticky' knowledge so that pupils remember it securely.
Language and communication sit at the heart of the school's curriculum. All early years staff engage children in high-quality, back-and-forth discussions. Adults use these interactions to introduce new words and help children express themselves.
Growing pupils' vocabulary is a key aspect of all subjects. Teachers use visual prompts alongside new words so that pupils remember their meanings. Sentence stems help pupils use new terms correctly.
There is a sharp focus on early reading, writing and mathematics. For instance, staff ensure that pupils master the basics of spelling, handwriting and sentence formation before moving them on to more complex tasks. Frequent modelling of these skills, and plenty of practice, helps pupils become proficient in them.
Staff are experts in the teaching of reading. As a result, pupils quickly become confident, accurate and fluent readers.
Disadvantaged pupils benefit from a curriculum that has been deliberately constructed with their needs in mind.
The support for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is precise and effective. Staff adapt the curriculum well so that pupils with SEND can access the curriculum and be successful. Consequently, disadvantaged pupils and pupils with SEND achieve very well in all subjects.
The school's first-rate early years provision ensures that children know how to be effective learners. Staff teach children how to work on their own and as part of a team. They help children sustain their concentration and solve problems.
Such high-quality experiences in the early years provide the foundation for the impeccable learning behaviours that pupils exhibit throughout the school.
Pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is an intrinsic feature of school life. Through high-quality stories, for instance, pupils learn about people's differences, what it means to be a good friend and how to be safe and healthy.
Well-chosen curriculum content means that pupils learn about equality and diversity in all subjects. The school's programme of character education is exemplary. It supports pupils in becoming resilient, independent and respectful.
Pupils make the most of the wide range of clubs, roles, events and trips on offer to develop their talents and interests.
Staff receive the highest-quality training to teach the school's curriculum. Staff feel valued, supported and empowered.
They love being part of 'Team Green'. Leaders at the school and from the trust, including those responsible for governance, check closely on all aspects of the school's work to ensure that their vision is being realised and that pupils constantly receive the very best.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.