The Green School for Boys

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About The Green School for Boys

Name The Green School for Boys
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Sally Yarrow
Address Twickenham Road, Isleworth, TW7 6AU
Phone Number 02038375340
Phase Academy
Type Free schools
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Boys
Number of Pupils 783
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy coming to school.

Leaders have created a community based on mutual respect. Pupils value each other's views and beliefs and are happy in school. Leaders have made sure that pupils are supported and kept safe.

Leaders have very high expectations for all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This can be seen in the school motto of 'Reach beyond your grasp'. Teachers use this motto to motivate pupils to tackle more difficult tasks in lessons.

Pupils know this motto and are ambitious to achieve the best they can. Leaders provide a wide range of additional activities for pupils and this allows them to try n...ew things.

Pupils behave well and are kind to one another.

Pupils said that bullying is not something they worry about as it very rarely happens. Pupils have learned about discrimination and bullying in personal, social, health and citizenship education (PSHCE) and they trust teachers to resolve any issues quickly.

There is a strong sense of equality in the school.

Boys are keen to take advantage of the opportunities on offer to them, for example the indoor rowing competition or performing in the school play.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have a clear ambition to provide a broad education for all pupils. Pupils study a wide range of subjects.

Subject leaders have planned what pupils need to learn in a way that pupils remember and know more over time. Leaders have ensured that this is the case in all subjects. Most teachers deliver lessons in line with the plans.

Pupils' books also confirmed that subject plans are implemented successfully. Teachers check pupils' understanding well, and pupils' work improves as a result of the feedback they receive.

When teachers deliver lessons as planned, pupils achieve well.

Pupils can explain what they have learned and they remember knowledge and skills over time. However, lessons are not always delivered in line with leaders' planning in some subjects. As a result, some pupils may not achieve as well as others.

Leaders have not made sure that all staff are appropriately trained to deliver the subject as planned.

Pupils behave well most of the time and, as a result, they learn well in their lessons. There are a few lessons where behaviour is not as good as leaders expect and this affects how well pupils learn in these lessons.

There is a clear behaviour policy in the school and inspectors saw this used effectively in many lessons. Some teachers need support and training from leaders so that high standards are maintained.

Pupils with SEND are included equally in all that the school offers, both inside and outside the classroom.

Pupils with SEND access the same learning as their peers.Teachers are skilled in ensuring that these pupils get the support they need to access subjects.

Leaders provide a wide range of opportunities for pupils to develop their skills and interests within and outside the school day.

There is an extended school day on Wednesday each week and pupils take part in activities such as coding, boxercise, indoor rowing, Latin and debating. Leaders record which activities pupils do and ensure that all pupils are making the most of the opportunities. The PSHCE programme also develops boys into thoughtful, reflective and resilient young people.

Many of the leaders and governors have been with the school since it started. They have created a culture where staff feel supported and where workload is manageable. Governors have a clear strategy for the school's future growth and they are effective in holding leaders to account.

Leaders are passionate about their ambition for all pupils in the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders complete and record pre-employment checks of staff very thoroughly.

All staff receive safeguarding training regularly and, as a result, know their responsibilities regarding keeping pupils safe.

Leaders and staff are aware of their local context and the dangers pupils may face in and outside of school. Pupils and staff know who to report any concerns to.

Pupils are taught to keep themselves safe both online and physically. Leaders consider pupils' well-being, teach them to eat healthily and employ counsellors to support any vulnerable pupils.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

There are some staff who are not delivering the sequence of lessons in the way that leaders intend.

As a result, pupils in these lessons are not able to learn and remember the content as they should. Leaders must ensure that all staff receive appropriate training to deliver lessons in line with leaders' aims and ambition. .

Behaviour does not always meet the high expectations of leaders. As a result, in a few lessons, there is low-level disruption and pupils do not learn as well as they should. Leaders must support and train all teachers to implement the school behaviour policy consistently.

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