The Green School for Girls

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About The Green School for Girls

Name The Green School for Girls
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Mrs Sally Yarrow
Address Busch Corner, London Road, Isleworth, TW7 5BB
Phone Number 02083218080
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 916
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are given opportunities to be independent and confident at this school. They respect differences between themselves and others and are proud to be part of a diverse school community. Pupils know how to keep themselves safe and understand the importance of healthy relationships and looking after their mental health.

The school expects pupils to achieve high academic standards. In 2022, GCSE results exemplified pupils' success. These same high expectations also apply to pupils' behaviour.

Pupils are focused in classrooms and demonstrate a positive attitude to learning. The school's expectations continue in the playground and the school site, and pupils mostly beh...ave well there too. Bullying is not tolerated, the school has identified the risks of online bullying and taken action to address any instances of this.

Pupils can participate in a wide range of activities to enhance their learning. For example, pupils in the sixth form can join in a 'Music Jam' or train and earn qualifications for performing arts. Younger pupils are taken on meaningful trips and visits that extend their learning and nurture their interests and talents.

Pupils demonstrate a strong set of values promoted by the school, including being respectful and valuing others, treating all as equals.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school has ensured that there is a clear and effective curriculum in place. Teachers are experts in their subjects and deliver learning in a clear and helpful way.

This means that pupils make exceptional progress and are well supported to develop the skills they need to succeed. Pupils are given clear feedback which helps to build up their knowledge and means that they can handle complex concepts across a range of subjects. As a result, pupils talk confidently about their work and demonstrate a strong understanding of what they are learning and what they have learned before.

Sixth formers are well prepared for life beyond school through the experiences they receive in the classroom, and know how to debate and argue sophisticated issues.

Pupils develop strong study habits, including in the sixth form where students are organised and self-sufficient. Teachers ensure that any gaps in understanding are addressed through a range of effective teaching techniques.

This includes pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) who are supported well. Pupils who arrive at the school with limited reading fluency are identified quickly and provided with support from well-trained staff.

Teachers are well supported, including those in the early stages of their career.

The school is committed to teachers' development, and a culture of sharing the best practice. This vision is driven by trustees, and well received by teachers whose workload is carefully considered.Pupils behave well in the classroom.

They show good attitudes and it is very rare for learning to be disrupted. Most pupils can identify an adult they can turn to if they are concerned. Teachers use the school's behaviour policy consistently.

The school takes swift action when more serious incidents occur and if pupils do not follow the school's code of conduct. The school uses a range of support methods such as mentoring, and sanctions such as suspension from school. However, the use of suspensions is sometimes not appropriate or proportionate, and pupils who are disadvantaged or are vulnerable are suspended much more often than their peers.

A few of these vulnerable pupils are suspended on multiple occasions and miss out on their schooling.

Pupils attend school well and leaders continue to expect all pupils to be punctual. Leaders follow up on any pupils whose attendance is a concern and offer support where needed.

The school has ensured that pupils have rich opportunities to develop their character. For example, assemblies and form times are set up so that pupils can present researched topics that align with school-wide themes. All pupils are included in reflections that extend beyond the Christian values that underpin the school's ethos.

The school has extended this further through a well-thought-through personal, social, health and careers education programme. Pupils demonstrate confidence in financial education, study skills, knowledge of careers and the importance of being an 'upstanding citizen'. Sixth formers receive an exceptional enrichment extension to their subject choices.

All are expected to choose an interest or passion to develop further. Some pupils take up the 'Extended Project Qualification', and others choose a sports leader qualification or develop entrepreneurship skills as becoming a 'Young Tycoon'.

Pupils take on responsibilities as student council representatives and use this platform to express their peers' views.

The school provides an extensive offer of trips and visits to both enhance subject learning and build on wider interests. For example, sixth formers are taken on a team building event at the beginning of their studies to build relationships between students, and include new joiners to the school.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• The use of suspensions is high and sometimes not appropriate or effective. The application of the school's behaviour policy leads to vulnerable pupils being at higher risk of suspension and missing school. The school should ensure that a range of approaches are effectively used to improve the behaviour of pupils, and that reintegration following any suspensions leads to improved behaviour.

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