The Grey Coat Hospital

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About The Grey Coat Hospital

Name The Grey Coat Hospital
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Ms Susanne Staab
Address Greycoat Place, London, SW1P 2DY
Phone Number 02079691998
Phase Academy
Type Academy converter
Age Range 11-18
Religious Character Church of England
Gender Girls
Number of Pupils 1131
Local Authority Westminster
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Leaders have filled the school with a culture of high aspirations.

They have established a strong sense of collective identity within which pupils are encouraged to be themselves. Leaders are successful in developing pupils' character. They encourage their inquisitiveness, resilience, independence, humility and kindness.

Pupils strive to demonstrate these values. Pupils' behaviour is composed and mature. Pupils are safe.

Bullying is not tolerated. If it happens, leaders and teachers ensure it stops.

Leaders' expectations are consistently high for all pupils.

Teachers support all pupils effectively to learn the curriculum. In class, pupils' b...ehaviour and attitudes to learning are very positive. They support each other to try hard, be independent and take calculated risks.

Pupils appreciate the unique range of extra-curricular activities that leaders organise. These include football, choirs and charity fundraising week. Pupils also have access to careers advice and take part in volunteering and visits abroad.

Leaders ensure that all pupils have an equal opportunity to take part in all that the school has to offer.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

The school's curriculum offer is broad and balanced. In Years 7 to 9, the curriculum often exceeds the expectations of the national curriculum.

For example, the carefully designed art curriculum enables pupils to produce high-quality work. This supports pupils to excel in Years 10 and 11. All pupils study one modern foreign language at GCSE.

A significant proportion of pupils study an additional modern foreign language or an ancient language. The proportion taking the English Baccalaureate is high.

Leaders have equally high ambitions for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

Their needs are identified and pupils with SEND are supported to access the same curriculum as their peers.

Subject leaders and teachers are subject experts. They have crafted carefully thought-through curriculums.

Across all subjects, pupils build knowledge securely. In science, for example, pupils' understanding of electron theory is explicitly planned to build steadily from Years 7 to 13. Pupils in Year 10 who study German develop their knowledge and recall of reflexive verbs over time, and use them confidently in sentences.

The curriculum helps pupils to practise and embed knowledge and skills. Teachers routinely check that pupils understand what has been taught. When pupils need a concept to be re-explained, teachers do so.

The curriculum enables pupils to progress into the school's sixth form. The choice of subjects to study in the sixth form is also broad and balanced. Students develop their independence as learners during Years 12 and 13.

Many students continue their education at university at the end of Year 13.

Pupils are polite, considerate and attentive in class. Learning proceeds without any interruption.

They behave sensibly around the school. Leaders encourage a strong culture of tolerance and mutual respect.

The school provides a very wide range of enrichment activities for pupils.

Over 50 clubs run each year. These include opportunities for pupils to develop their interests within and beyond curriculum subjects. Leaders monitor attendance at these clubs and ensure all pupils participate.

Sixth-form students appreciate the opportunities provided to develop as young adults, including taking part in debating and the Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Pupils receive impartial careers and university advice. Pupils' love of reading is fostered through a range of initiatives and by the school's well-resourced library.

Older pupils support the younger ones to develop reading fluency, for example, by hearing them read each week.

Staff felt valued and supported by leaders. They said that while leaders' expectations are high, they are mindful of staff's workload.

School leaders and the governing body continue to drive school improvement and provide staff with relevant professional development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Teachers and leaders have strong professional relationships with pupils at the school.

Safeguarding is at the forefront of teachers' and leaders' minds. Staff are aware of local risks, as well as potential risks that may affect pupils who travel to school from afar. All concerns about pupils, however small, are reported to leaders.

Appropriate help is provided for pupils who need it. Leaders carefully manage any concerns through established procedures and regular contact with parents and external agencies. The school invites speakers to talk to the pupils about potential risks.

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