The Hamble School

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About The Hamble School

Name The Hamble School
Ofsted Inspections
Headteacher Miss Louisa Cambridge
Address Satchell Lane, Hamble-le-Rice, Southampton, SO31 4NE
Phone Number 02380452105
Phase Secondary
Type Community school
Age Range 11-16
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 1113
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Most pupils enjoy learning at this school. They say that staff are helpful and supportive. However, their experiences depend on which classes they are in.

In some classes pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), do not always get enough help to learn as well as others.

Most pupils are polite, cooperative and have good attitudes to their learning. A minority of pupils interrupt learning and do not follow instructions from staff.

Boisterous behaviour by some pupils at break and lunchtimes can be upsetting for other pupils. Some staff do not always tackle poor behaviour quickly and firmly enough.

Most pupils fee...l safe at school.

They have somebody that they can talk to if they have a problem. Bullying does happen sometimes but when it does, staff are usually good at sorting it out. The new 'Hub' provides a range of support that pupils can access to support their learning and well-being.

Pupils have lots of opportunities to get involved with school life. The senior prefect team and school council have worked with leaders to improve the school. For example, they have contributed to discussions about improvements to the school buildings and facilities.

Pupils take part in a broad range of after-school clubs.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders share strong values. They have a clear vision about how to provide high-quality education for all pupils.

However, this is not yet fully realised and there remain inconsistencies in the quality of education that pupils receive. This is because curriculum development in some areas is still at the early stages. In part, this is due to a high turnover of subject leaders and staff.

Leaders have made the curriculum more ambitious. Pupils now study a broader range of subjects in Year 9. In most subjects, the curriculum sets out what pupils should learn and the order in which things are taught.

Subject leaders are continuing to refine these plans, so that the most important knowledge is explicit. Some subjects, particularly modern foreign languages, are less well developed than others.

Staff have been trained to use teaching methods to help pupils know and remember more.

In some subjects, such as English and religious education, teachers use their expert knowledge with these teaching methods successfully. For example, teachers help pupils to understand and use ambitious vocabulary. This helps pupils learn well.

Not all teachers know how to use these methods effectively. As a result, pupils do not develop their knowledge as well as they should across the curriculum.

Leaders have a good understanding of the needs of pupils with SEND, including those who need additional support to catch up with their reading.

These pupils receive targeted support from specialist staff. However, pupils with SEND are not always well supported to learn the ambitious curriculum. Some teachers do not successfully adapt their teaching to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

Too many pupils display poor attitudes to learning or disrupt the learning of others. The systems in place for managing pupils' behaviour are not consistently applied by all staff. This means that many pupils do not participate fully in lessons.

Pupils attend school regularly. However, many pupils are frequently late to lessons.

There is an effective personal, social, health and economic curriculum that includes lessons, assemblies, tutor time activities and drop down days, all organised carefully around important themes.

The material is age-appropriate and includes how to form healthy relationships, online safety and British values.

Governors are ambitious and well informed about the school. They take responsibility for checking that the school vision is being realised and hold leaders to account for their actions.

Staff are proud to work at this school. They value the support and training they receive and leaders' concern for their workload and well-being.

Parents' and carers' perceptions of the school are mixed.

Some parents are highly appreciative of how the school provides for their children. Others are less convinced, particularly around the school's approach to managing pupils' behaviour and support for pupils with SEND.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

As part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, leaders have strengthened the pastoral support available for pupils. The well-trained safeguarding team work well with all staff to support pupils at risk. Staff know what to do if they have concerns about a pupil because they receive regular training and guidance.

The school safeguarding email provides a simple and effective system for all staff to report and follow up any concerns. The designated safeguarding lead and their team keep meticulous records and respond swiftly to all concerns. Pupils are confident that there are trusted adults they can speak to if they are worried about something.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• High expectations for pupils' conduct and attitude to learning are not always reinforced across the school. Some pupils do not follow instructions or participate in lessons as they should. This disrupts the learning of others.

Leaders should ensure that all staff apply the school's behaviour policy consistently and fairly at all times. ? Variations in how effectively the planned curriculum is implemented exist both within and between subjects. This means that pupils, especially those with SEND, do not always know and remember what they have been taught.

Leaders should ensure that all staff consistently adapt the curriculum and apply the teaching methods that they have been trained to use, so that all pupils learn as well as they should. ? Some subjects, particularly modern foreign languages, are at an earlier stage in curriculum development. In these subjects, there is a lack of clarity about what precisely pupils are expected to know and be able to do , especially in key stage 3.

Leaders should ensure that curriculum planning in all subjects considers clearly and precisely what pupils need to know and be able to do in order to access the next steps in their learning. This will help pupils learn well in all subjects. ? Parents express mixed views about the school, particularly around behaviour and provision for SEND pupils.

Leaders have not communicated well enough with parents. Consequently, some parents are frustrated and concerned about aspects of the school's work, including for pupils with SEND. Leaders must ensure that parents are properly involved, so that they understand decisions and actions leaders take.

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