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About The Harlaxton Church of England Primary School
Pupils are very proud of the school. They know, understand and live the school's seven values and principles daily. Pupils are polite and respectful.
They are happy and safe.
The school sets high expectations of pupils' behaviour. These are met consistently.
The school has a calm and focused ethos. Pupils get on well with one another. Older pupils care for younger ones.
Pupils relish leadership opportunities. Whether leading assemblies, supervising lunchtimes or actively being part of the eco-club, pupils lead with responsibility and pride. Pupils' attitudes to learning are positive.
They engage well with their learning. They take pride in t...heir work.
Pupils value the varied opportunities the school provides.
Pupils form lasting memories. Older pupils recall with maturity the kindness of staff and the friendships they have made. Younger pupils delight in their recent visit to the 'enchanted wood'.
The majority of parents and carers are very pleased with the school's provision. They value the kindness and care their children receive. One parent, typical of many, commented: 'Harlaxton School has such a lovely, friendly atmosphere.
My children are loved and cared for by the staff. They are not only being educated but are nurtured.'
What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?
The school has developed a broad and ambitious curriculum.
Subject curriculums build and deepen pupils' learning over time. These curriculums are suitably demanding. Staff know what they want pupils to learn and when.
For example, in computing, pupils learn to design, write and debug programs. They learn to understand the benefits and risks of being online. Pupils learn in age-appropriate ways how to be safe when using the internet.
The mathematics curriculum is structured well. Teachers enable pupils to deepen their reasoning skills and apply mathematical knowledge well.
Teachers have strong subject knowledge.
They value training opportunities to deepen their teaching skills further in a range of subjects. Staff check pupils' learning in lessons. The school checks how pupils' learning is embedded in some subjects, including English, science and mathematics.
However, the school does not fully check pupils' embedded learning in all other subjects.
The school has prioritised reading. Children in Reception get off to a swift start in learning to read.
Staff understand the school's chosen phonics programme. They teach phonics consistently well. Books and resources match the sounds that pupils are learning.
Staff help pupils who begin to fall behind to keep up with their peers. The school builds on pupils' reading fluency by carefully developing pupils' comprehension skills. Books feature prominently in all classrooms.
Daily story time nurtures a love of reading. Pupils speak positively about their favourite books.The school's provision for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) is very effective.
Staff identify these pupils' needs well. They adapt their teaching, for example by providing different resources and breaking down tasks. They work with external professionals when extra support is needed.
Pupils with SEND learn the same curriculum as their peers. They learn very well.
Children in early years get off to a good start to their schooling.
Staff support the development of children's speech and communication well. The school nurtures a love of stories, books and rhymes. Children learn to understand their number work.
They love the opportunities to play, explore and learn. They do so through well-thought-through activities. Staff support children's personal, physical and social development well.
Leaders set high expectations of pupils' attendance. These are met by most pupils. The school appropriately supports and challenges parents whose children do not attend as regularly as they should.
Overall, pupils' attendance is improving, allowing more pupils to benefit from the school's strong educational provision.
The provision for pupils' personal development is very good. Pupils are prepared well for life in Britain.
For example, they gain a mature understanding of democracy and individual liberty. Difference is celebrated. The school has a strong ethos of inclusion and respect.
Pupils have opportunities to be involved in the local community. They make mature choices about which charities to support. The school nurtures pupils' spiritual development.
For example, pupils have meaningful opportunities to reflect on their own beliefs and values. The school deepens pupils' appreciation of right and wrong.
All leaders, including governors, know the school well.
They ensure that the school's values underpin the school's provision. Leaders are mindful of staff's workload and well-being. Staff like working at the school.
They are proud to be part of the school. They live the school's vision 'together we learn, encourage, aspire, respect and nurture'.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
What does the school need to do to improve?
(Information for the school and appropriate authority)
• The approach to checking pupils' knowledge and understanding over time is less secure in some subjects than it is in subjects such as English, mathematics and science. As a result, the school does not have as secure an understanding as it should of how well pupils achieve in some foundation subjects. The school should ensure that checks on pupils' knowledge and understanding are secure in these foundation subjects, so ensuring that there is comprehensive understanding of how well pupils know the curriculum across all subjects, and of what the next stages in their learning should be.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.