The Hayes Primary School

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About The Hayes Primary School

Name The Hayes Primary School
Ofsted Inspections
Mrs Laura Olley
Address Hayes Lane, Kenley, CR8 5JN
Phone Number 02086604863
Phase Primary
Type Community school
Age Range 4-11
Religious Character Does not apply
Gender Mixed
Number of Pupils 419
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils enjoy school and are keen to welcome others to their community. They are proud to share their learning with visitors and speak passionately and thoughtfully about their experiences.

Pupils and staff embrace the school's motto: 'be the best you can be'.

Pupils work hard and behave well, meeting the high expectations that staff have of them. Pupils get along well with their peers in lessons and around school. Pupils feel safe and are kept safe at school.

Pupils represent their school by taking on leadership responsibilities. For example, they act as members of the school council, advocates, mental health champions or travel ambassadors. A range of extra ...activities are available, which aims to develop pupils' talents and interests.

These include choir, science, craft, and sports clubs. All pupils are provided with opportunities to use the school swimming pool regularly.

Pupils follow a typically ambitious and well-organised curriculum.

They produce work of good quality in different subjects and are well prepared for the next stage of their education. However, the curriculum in a few subjects is at an earlier stage of development. Where this is the case, pupils do not fully embed key knowledge in these subjects as well over time.

What does the school do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders have planned an ambitious curriculum in line with what pupils need to learn nationally. In most subjects, leaders have set out precisely what they want pupils to learn and when. This is sequenced so that pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), build their knowledge securely over time.

For example, in geography, children in the early years begin to understand the world around them by looking at maps. As they move through the school, they use an increasing range of maps and atlases with confidence. Towards the end of key stage 2, pupils learn about grid references before considering scale in Year 6.

Similarly, in science, pupils begin by learning about the properties of different materials. Later, they use this understanding to consider the most suitable material to conduct heat or electricity.

However, in a few subjects, the curriculum is in the early stages of development.

In these subjects, teachers do not consistently focus on pupils securing the most important knowledge. In turn, this makes it more difficult for teachers to identify and address pupils' misconceptions.

A love of reading is prioritised at the school.

Pupils look forward to sharing their reading recommendations on, for example, the 'favourites' displays. From the start of the Reception Year, children build their phonics knowledge securely. Pupils who need more support to keep up with their peers are provided with targeted and timely help.

As a result, pupils become fluent and expressive readers.

Leaders have a detailed overview of the needs of pupils with SEND. Teachers receive appropriate guidance and support to help these pupils to access the same curriculum as their peers.

Leaders go the extra mile to ensure these pupils receive the appropriate help when joining the school in early years and when moving on to secondary school. For example, they organise visits to feeder nurseries and pre-schools, as well as in the first term of pupils' secondary settings.

Pupils behave well, and lessons are rarely disrupted.

Pupils focus on their learning and want to achieve their best. Pupils' interactions with peers and other adults around the school are courteous and respectful. Bullying incidents are rare.

Pupils understand what bullying is and how to report any concerns should they arise.

Leaders have put in place a comprehensive programme of personal, social and health education (PSHE). The curriculum is designed to help pupils understand the importance of a healthy diet and recognise the risks of addiction to alcohol, drugs or smoking.

Pupils are provided with many opportunities to develop their characters. For example, they can serve as buddies for younger pupils and become representatives of the 'Calm Club'. Younger pupils aspire to these roles and see them as important ways to represent and improve their school.

Staff are very proud to work at the school. They comment that leaders are considerate of their workload and well-being.

Governors are closely involved in reviewing the school's strengths, and they understand the priorities for improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders provide appropriate training for staff. Staff know how to raise concerns should they need to.

Leaders take appropriate and timely action, seeking advice from external partners. Governors are diligent in ensuring that the school meets its safeguarding duties.

The curriculum is designed to help pupils understand how to stay safe, including online.

Pupils are taught how to seek help for themselves or a peer. Some pupils are trained mental health ambassadors and take pride in this role.

What does the school need to do to improve?

(Information for the school and appropriate authority)

• In a few subjects, the curriculum is newly introduced.

In these areas, teachers do not consistently focus on the most important concepts. This results in some pupils, including those with SEND, not securing essential knowledge in these subjects. Leaders should ensure that the delivery and assessment of the curriculum is consistently focused on the most important knowledge pupils need to learn.

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